Thursday, October 27, 2005

my hair is no longer black........ O_0"

my hair is no longer black..... i don't really know how to describe it. erm..... the colour looks like dark blondish brown. Sigh......

i sat in front of the mirror while the two assistants painted my hair. they brushed and brushed and brushed the paste on my head, the smell of ammonia crinkled my nose, my scalp stinging from the solid chemical..... urgh.... and i saw it changed..... going, going, going...... gone..... the very shiny black, to dark chocolate, to brown, to blonde?!

it's a colour where i will only dream or imagine about but i will never do it. and now.....every time i see my reflection, i get a shock... oh my goodnes.... is that my hair?!

you see, my hair has been purposedly coloured for a photo shoot tonight. they gonna use the pic for a hair competiton next year. the loreal trophy challenge thingy. the hair stylist would be the actual star and i'm only the props.... -_-"

sigh, anyway, i'm trying to get use to the new colour. i'll prolly keep it for a while just for the fun of it. yay! i've got a new hair colour.... yippee!!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

my fave day today

this morning it was raining softly, haven't had that since a long time and it was so nice to sleep in! sigh! =) anyway, i woke up with a smile! =) =) =) IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!! yay!!! =) =) =) i'm officially 23 years old. i like oct 11...... it's my fave day. ;)

i feel so blessed having frens who stayed up to send sms wishes to me. i especially wanna thank linda and may sze! thanks you so much for waiting till it's 12! you two are so dear to me! muaks! thanks for the memories we shared ;) the rest of you who send the sms-es, you know who you are! i love you all too, thanks for being a blessing in my life.

ahem, for those who prolly forgot about my b'day..... no worries, 'coz i sometimes forget too. =P anyway, just wanna say i love you too. ;)

oh, the cafe guys are so sweet! they bought me a baskin robbins cake! heheheh..... never had i imagined that i would ever get that kinda cake. hah, the most expensive cake i've ever gotten. thanks lukas, lucas and vidy! i'm touched!

yesterday, my pg gals celebrated for me at asiacafe. thanks may ling, carol, caroline,


and szu li! it was fun! it was my turn to answer all their questions, it's a pg b'day thingy. whoever's b'day is it, they will be grilled with questions. so yeah, may ling had this devious plan, can see it from her evil laughther and expression! yer..... instead of feeling scared, i laughed even harder, i thought she looked really cute when she's acting. you've got talents gal!

anyway, yeah, i tried answering their questions. it was funny, i answered it the best i could and they weren't really satisfied with it. they were forcing my to say who is the "ONE"........ -_-......... if i have the ONE, i would have long time told everybody lar.....sigh! my best fren would have even knew about it! i had a great time laughing re-telling some stories of different guys who came into my path. some really weird ppl, some just anoying...... but still, i don't regret knowing them. =)