my hair is no longer black..... i don't really know how to describe it. erm..... the colour looks like dark blondish brown. Sigh......
i sat in front of the mirror while the two assistants painted my hair. they brushed and brushed and brushed the paste on my head, the smell of ammonia crinkled my nose, my scalp stinging from the solid chemical..... urgh.... and i saw it changed..... going, going, going...... gone..... the very shiny black, to dark chocolate, to brown, to blonde?!
it's a colour where i will only dream or imagine about but i will never do it. and now.....every time i see my reflection, i get a shock... oh my goodnes.... is that my hair?!
you see, my hair has been purposedly coloured for a photo shoot tonight. they gonna use the pic for a hair competiton next year. the loreal trophy challenge thingy. the hair stylist would be the actual star and i'm only the props.... -_-"
sigh, anyway, i'm trying to get use to the new colour. i'll prolly keep it for a while just for the fun of it. yay! i've got a new hair colour.... yippee!!!!