Sunday, May 13, 2007

Her Walk

She looks up from her book

She welcomes the sight of the lake

She smiles…. Knowing she has arrived

She had always looked forward to the sight

Bidding farewell to it every morning

She takes her walk

Getting her usual pancake

She says thank you and smiled

She loves the peanut and sugar and the crunch

She walks….

She walks, while enjoying the munch


She walks….

Reflecting her day

The children’s antics amuses her,

She laughs in her heart, she smiles

Reflecting her life

She asks for God’s grace and trust

She spends lots of time thinking,

The walk is seldom empty,

But lots of thoughts, and conversations

Lots of ponderings, and doubts

Lots of petitioning, and remembering

The crossroad is in sight,

She strains to see what colour it was,

And she starts calculating her steps,

Maybe she should keep her pace; then it’ll be the right time to cross

Maybe she should quicken the steps; just in case she was too late

Maybe she should slow down; ‘coz it was gonnna stop anyway

Maybe she should just talk her walk;

Enjoy the sky

It doesn’t matter what colour it shows, she always crosses over it anyway.

She should just take her walk…..

She walks….

She enjoys the leaves above her

The shadow dances on the street.

She looks forward to the turn

Smiling she’d soon be there

She walks…..

The familiar surrounding comes into sight,

Her heart starts to sing,

Of songs that would praise her Lord,

Of songs that she was feeling,

Of songs that was from her heart

She walks…..

She looks up to the sky,

She marvels at its vastness

And she thought to herself….

When was the last time she marveled at the blue sky?

It is so wide,

It seems infinite with no end; so big, so high, so in awe

The sun caught her eyes, the clouds spread like water paint

She marvels at the beauty….

She takes in the surrounding; enjoys the moment of admiring HIS work.

A final turn…

Her walk is nearing,

A few more steps…

She breathes the sigh of relief

She croons ‘Hi honey! How are you!’

He jumps around, greeting her happily

She smiles, pat his head, sometimes a hug…..
She is home.