An article on Autism in the local newspaper caught my attention recently. Reading it, I was curious about who these two guys were. So, the curious little me, I checked them out on the official website of Wretches & Jabberers. And I am so glad I did.
Trying to organize my thoughts and putting it into word.
Reading and watching their video online has created a new awareness and insight to Autism for me. It gives fresh hope, it gives fresh perspective, it gives fresh outlook.
It just convicts and reminds me once again not to ever dismiss the children who are seemingly too "severe" to be helped.
Looking at Tracy and Larry.... Oh my..... These two guys are simply just what I needed; to give me a slap on my face and not to give up hope on the little boy whom I was struggling to teach.
I was also embarrassed when one of them mentioned "Stop getting us to point at pictures. Help us to communicate". Do you know just how challenging it is to teach a young kid with Autism?!! A "severe" one I must say!!
It was such a challenge trying to understand why he does what he does. It was such a challenge that he wasn't "looking". It was such a challenge that he wasn't "talking". It was such a challenge that he does not "understand". It was such a challenge not seeing the desired results. Sometimes, I just wonder if it would ever work.....
At 5 years old, I believe he is taking it all in.
One day.... Just that one day.
I am praying and looking forward, I know he will break through.
For the record, it is in my own personal conviction that I will never ever, EVER dismiss a person with disability as beyond hope. It is just a matter of opportunity. Do I have what it takes to embrace them in my world?
Watching the short snippets of Wretches and Jabberers, here are my thoughts on it:-
1. I thank Tracy and Larry. These guys taught me why they have those weird actions and behaviours. I now understand the children better. At my work, I get asked a lot why these children behave the way they do. Now, I can just ask those people who asked to view their video on YouTube. =)
2. These guys taught me to change my attitudes about disability and intelligence. With the kids that I am working with, they bring such joy, though at times I struggle and wonder what goes on in their head. Thank you for showing me that there is intelligence in these kids. I always know that it is in there; somewhere; but I got to confess it doesn't show in their appearance. I thank Tracy and Larry that they still have that very distinct Autistic traits, even now as an adult, and I like it very much. It brings much comfort and naughtily, amusement to me in a good way.
I've got a feeling that we are looking towards a brighter future and exciting breakthroughs for children with Autism. And I am loving technology for the good it does in helping these children to communicate.
Just by being who they are, Tracy and Larry; their advocacy and global mission to change attitudes about disability and intelligence, I salute them for their effort. I salute their team of dedicated people. Keep up the good work guys~! Cheering you on!!