5 SEP 2005
We checked in at 9.00 am, my roommate is Audrey. Never judge a book by its cover or even your first impression. Initially I thought she’s a very quiet person but I was wrong! It’s easy to get along with her and she’s sweet. I’m yet to discover more about her.
Oh, some of the girls are sick, Audrey too. I prayed for her yesterday and even myself. Lord, please grant us good health. I am believing for some of them to know the Lord. Shanice has expressed interest into coming to my church.
We had dance practice yesterday, the steps are simple but it’s kinda hard to remember the sequence, We went to the Loft yesterday. Had buffet dinner. It was a fusion of Western and Japanese food. All wonderfully made. Had sushis, oyster, clams, pasta. Oh, one of the clam was bad and at the same time a photographer wanted to take a picture of me. It was awkward having to spit the bad clam into the napkin, gently and ladylike. He prolly thought I was weird.
I met quite a number of ppl yesterday. Loco was one of the, the guy from Poetic Amo. Adam also a local artiste, knows Agnel. I was promoting a bit of Altered Frequency. This guy was a bit of touchy so it kinda made me feel a lil uncomfy. Thank God
I also met a few ppl who know Pastor Kenneth. Met Christine again, the founder of Special Children Society of Ampang.
Oh, I was interviewed by NTV7! The guy is really cute. Hehe… his name is KC. The questions he asked was general, how is the experience so far, what are you going to do is you win, what is the most challenging part. I was really being myself answering the questions. Marlene is really a good communicator, she was in the interview too. But she’s not my type of person, she’s really aggressive, pushing her way around. Sheesh!
Anyway, in overall, it was a good experience. I’m learning to enjoy it. Before we left for dinner and the clubbing scene, I read this verse in Ester 3:4
“Now it happened, when they spoke to him daily and he would not listen to him, that they told it to Haman, to see whether Mordecai’s words would stand; for Mordecai had told them that he was a Jew”
I really believe it’s God’s word for me and guiding and advising, reminding me. Whether I would stand by my principles, believes, standards and words. Lord, I’ve been put to this place, and I want to make you proud and give you glory. It’s only You who can promote and give favour. Riches and glamour do not give life but you give eternal life. Your crown matter most.
Lord, I pray that You guide my every single moves. Holy Spirit lead me in the path of righteousness and lead me away from the traps of death and sins. Help me go through and choose the narrow ways and no enter in through the easy way. Lord, let everything that I do glorify Your name and people see that You are living in me. Let me be your salt and light to this group of people who have not known You yet.
Lord, I commit once again this pageant into your hand. Sigh! No matter what’s the results, I choose to glorify You. Lord, grant me wisdom and guide me. Thank you Lord!
6 SEP 2005
Woke up about 8 am, had morning call. We had breakfast buffet at the cafĂ©. Oh my gosh! It’s like being a kid in a candy store! There’s so many good stuffs to choose from and all look so tempting and delicious. Everything are prettily made up and you just wanna grab a bite of each and every food there is. There’s Chinese, Indian, western, fruits, pastry, cereals and even a chocolate fountain! Hehehe….
After that, we had our dance practice again. it was kinda relaxing, had a lot of free time, spent most or it resting and sleeping. We had dinner at sunway, Flam. Oh, before that, my family members saw the interview on NTV7. they said I answered confidently and did a good job! Thank God, they didn’t make me look stupid. Was kinda worried that they might do that. But I guess they did a good job in editing too.
The compliments that I got for the interview was encouraging and it certainly boost up my confidence. Thank you Lord for always guiding me through and leading me. Lord, I need your Holy Spirit to be with me through thick and thin. Lord, i depend on you for wisdom and words to answer the questions. Lord, I depend on You for strength and peace that guards my heart. Lord, I surrender my all to You.
7 SEP 2005
I’ve just had my hair and make up done. The prejudging will be happening in the noon and now it’s only 10.39am! Gosh! I’m so tired, just feel like dozing off. Okay, I’m gonna do my bible reading soon, and spend some time praying too. God help me!!!
Very late at night
I’ve just came back from dinner. Even before I went, I had bad feeling about it. Just because the owner, some dunno who datuk booked the whole restaurant, we have to dress up nicely and go makan. Felt like a concubine!
And indeed it was, we girls have to accompany some old datuks makan dinner. Oh my gosh! That was the thing that made me frown and uncomfy. Some of the datuks look like some “chee-ko-pek”, entah macam apa?!
But then again, I’m glad I attended the dinner. At least I get a glimpse at a politician’s life. Saw someone I knew there too. I was sitting beside this middle age guy, dunno who in the world he is until we started talking. Found out that he works for Carlsberg and I told him what I think about it. Having to lose someone dear to alcohol. He also said that he used to work for tobacco firm. Urgh! Lagi banyak I have to say about it! I shared with him some of the things AYA does, telling the youth that they don’t need to drink and smoke. They can choose to make a stand. I think that kinda set him back a bit. Then I told him what I believe in, that his company should do something for the society. Having earned so much from the society, they should give back. Haha, it was funny how after the second course, he went missing from my table. I told Bobby that he prolly got scared of me! But he came back in the end. I believe I made a lasting impression on him. Thanks to all the training I got from my work and church.
The pre-judging is finally over! I’m so glad that I’ve got that burden off my shoulder. It carried like 70% of marks. Tomorrow I’m just gonna enjoy myself and breeze along. I believe I’ve obtained God’s favour! Hehehe…
One of the judges is Winnie Loo. I’m guessing she’s the one who saw my application in the mix up. Other judges are Camelia, Ida Nerina, Cilla Foong, one Chinese designer and one
Can’t really remember all the questions but I do remember Ida Nerina said that I was judgmental. She asked me to explain on living a right life, so I said what I knew. Examples don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t have pre-marital sex. Not lar I’m saying all student do that but because most students when they have freedom, they’ll get off-track if not careful. They need someone to guide them and tell them when they get off-track.
Anyway, I believe God is with me all along the way. Thank You Lord!
8 SEP 2005
At Backstage – Rehearsal
Lord, I commit all these into your hand. Sigh! Although I would really want to win, I would still commit this pageant into Your hand. No matter what’s the result, be it winning or not winning, I want to glorify You. I believe I’ve done my purpose here, standing in what I believe. Inspire and making an influence in another girl’s life. Telling them it’s okay not to fall into peer pressure. Had a chance to speak my mind to some Datuks. I mean who in the world would have had this kind of opportunity?!
Well, Lord I believe I’ve done my job here. I feel really proud of myself! No matter what’s the results, Lord, You have the glory!
Much Later
The winner has already been announced…. Hehehe…. And it’s not me! =P wow! I couldn’t believe that I went through all that. God I want to say no matter what, I would still follow You. As I write this, I have a smile on my face. I don’t know why, but I’m rather bouncy and cheerful and really happy. Though I really wanted to win it so much, I mean that is my goal and ambition, I don’t seem to be a bit disappointed or depressed about it. Wow! God, thank you for letting me know earlier!
Even at backstage rehearsal, I felt God asking me whether I’m willing to give up the crown. I thought He was joking so I just went along and said yeah, I’m wiling. Everything that I do I commit to Him.
Yeah so now, I did not win the title…. I don’t mind because I believe I’ve made a change in another person’s life. =) I believe that I’ve been called to be the salt and light to the world. Wow, I don’t know why, but I believe God has great things in stored for me and I’m ready for it!
My voice has been heard by people and I’m really looking forward to make an impact in the community. Oh, I was voted as the reader’s choice in star online. That was funny! I do hope they interview me! =P anyway, it’s getting rather late, 3am plus. Lord, thank you for the experience.
10 SEP 2005
I’ve got my face in the cover of The Star Newspaper! Wow! I thought that was cool! I mean I would never have imagined that the tiger cub that I read in papers all these while I’ve got a chance to have a picture taken with it and appear front page! Now how cool is that?! Heheh….
It’s really amazing how things worked out for me. I realize that we shouldn’t put God’s plan into our own small box, His ways are always the unexpected ones. It’s always mysterious and makes me in awe of Him. His timing, His leading and just trusting Him to guide me through. Wow!
I went into the pageant determined in my heart to win it. I prayed hard and each time I asked God I heard Him saying “Yes, you will win”. it was countless of time I did that. No doubt, truly that was what I wanted and always wanted to do. At the same time, I also wanna be the salt and the light to the people there
I’ve got to make some impact and lasting impression in some people’s life. I’ve got to make a stand telling what I believe in, making a stand of no smoking, no alcohol, no pre-marital sex. Basically, I was able to make a difference. I was able to share with some girls about my faith and some have even expressed interest in coming to church.
Yesterday, before I came back, I finally got a chance to talk to the winner, Emmeline. You see, to me she’s not the type of people which I would like to approach. She’s just not my type of person. In fact, I don’t have a good impression of her. She talks with an accent, heard a lil about her lifestyle, I knew if she weren’t a finalist I wouldn’t have people like her as a friend.
Anyway, like I’ve said, I’ve got a chance to be alone with her in her room. I was waiting for my bro to pick me up. While waiting, I saw a bible and she told me that she’s a Christian! Wow! I mean I came into the pageant hoping to see one or two chirstian, and didn’t found any till I knew it was Emmeline. =)
I was really excited about it and I could see it working out. God’s timing and God’s purpose for me to be in that pageant. I found out that Emmeline’s mom is a really strong and commited Christian. She confessed that she’s not really that kinda Christian. Anyway, the past few days she’s been praying really hard and a lot and really depending on God.
She shared about how she actually came back to
I also shared my part of the story about how I heard from God that “Yes, you will win” and how suddenly during rehearsal I heard Him asking me “Are you willing to give up your crown”. All I did was to trust Him and agreed to follow Him not matter what the results is. Emmeline too was like “wow” and really listening to me. In fact, when I said “There’s no such thing as coincidence, it’s all God’s timing” she totally agrees with me. Isn’t that cool or what?! It was then I totally realized and fulfilled my purpose of the whole pageant.
Anyway, I did encourage her to make a full use of the winning. Being the right role model, always trusting in God. it’s also a perfect timing to quit some bad habits! I believe I’ve made an impact in her life. I wish her all the best and that God would use her mightily for His purpose. Amen!
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