Thursday, March 30, 2006

A case of *coughing!*

I was admitted to SJMC two weeks ago, have recently discharged, stayed there for almost 10 days! O_o” I wanna thank all who visited me and prayed for me when I was unwell during the past week. thank you so much! Wanna let you know I appreciate it! =)

I remember feeling weak when I woke up that sat morning. The night before I’ve already planned my breakfast, I’m gonna eat ham with cheese on toasted bread with tea. It’s been a long time since I had a breakfast like that. =D But that morning I hardly had any appetite and ended up drinking milo and eating white bread. Bleh… oh I remember the night before, I had a terrible ache on my body. Each time I coughed it hurts even more, it’s the type of pain that makes your body bend over. and I could not even lie down on my back! been having it for almost a week then, thought I could bear the pain.

Oh, before that I’ve been coughing for almost two week. yup, my fault! I admit! I didn’t take care of my health. Yup, yup, I didn’t see a doctor, I didn’t really take medication, I didn’t avoid cold drinks. So yea, the cough got worse…and I was really missing my good healthy body! =(

Anyway, that sat night I didn’t really sleep well. was coughing most of the time and I threw up four times. After each time I would feel weaker and weaker. Each time I got up from the toilet I could only see all white or all black in front of me. Had to blink my eyes a few times to get my vision back. I think I even passed out on the bed without realizing it. =P. there was also blood trace on my phlegm. Erm…. I knew it wasn’t a good sign but I thought I could just sleep it off.

My mom got concerned and asked if I wanna be admitted to hospital. At the back of my mind I was like thinking, I can’t even walk properly without fainting, how am I gonna get there? And the thought of getting down the stairs just put me off. After much persuasion, yeah, mom helped me walked. It was dizzying…..

By the time we reached the ER, I told her I couldn’t walk, let alone held my head up. Now here’s the drama, the nurses brought the bed out! Hehehe… so I climbed unto it and they wheeled me into the ER room. I thought it was kinda cool. =P I mean…. I’ve never been admitted to a hospital before and yea, it’s kinda exciting to experience it. I can’t really remember much what happened, except that the medical officer in charge was very ganas and garang. She sounded as if scolding me for having low blood pressure, and asked me why is that so. Halloo?! I’m the patient! How in the world would I know why my blood pressure was low?! I’m sick! Wasn’t it obvious?!

After that was a whole series of needle pokings, getting samples, and testing stuffs. people were fussing over me, hmmm…. Can’t remember much of what happen. Only remember having pain in my tummy and my breathe was really short. Could hardly breathe properly, so the nurse gave me the oxygen tube. How cool is that? I was breathing from the oxygen tank! =P

So, yea I was admitted to the HDU ward. Didn’t know what that meant till I saw the sms link on my handphone (High Dependency Unit). It was a Sunday that day…. Mom was my first visitor. (It was also nice knowing that Ps Sandra and Ps Kenneth were the next to visit me. I’m touched!) I had two of my hands fixed to the drips, and i was thinking, so this is how it feels like to be hospitalized. I wasn’t feeling scared or anything, just that I’m tired I needed rest, i needed to recover and get healing for my body. Yeah, basically I wasn’t thinking much, just blank.

I remember looking at the clock tho, waiting for my visitors. =P so yea, it was kinda nice seeing them coming to visit me after 4. I also thought it was kinda cute when I learned that they had to line up 2 by 2 for their turn to come in. some of them couldn’t recognize me. I’d understand ‘coz I had tube in my nose and a towel on my forehead, who would find it easy to recognize? Found out later that I was actually having very high fever, no wonder I felt my brains frying.

Somebody did asked if I self conscious being where I was. Me? Self conscious? Not a single bit! I didn’t really care how I looked like ‘coz at that point, all I could think of was…. Blank….. hahaha… nah, really, I didn’t bother. I was a sick patient, so let me look like one lar. I think I looked like a really convincing sick person! my voice was really soft, can feel my lips cracked and yeah, with the electronic patches on my body and needles for the drips in my hand, yup, I did look sick indeed! Oh, I was wearing the hospital gown most of the time. it’s really comfy! =) my mom thought I was mad for not wanting to wear my own baju. I don’t understand why I should, I mean they provide a comfy gown to wear…. So wear lar. later I found out that indeed, I was the only syok sendiri person who was wearing the hospital gown.

Anyway, throughout the whole 9 days, I had visitors almost everyday. And that is really nice, I mean they kept me company and at least I had something to look forward to besides being bored to further boredom! I moved into a ward after 2 ½ days in the HDU. Doc identified that I had pneumonia, urinary infection and a bacteria in my blood. okay, the pneumonia is obvious enough, but the other two…. I doubt he gave me the right diagnosis. Anyway, I prayed against it and yeah, for total healing.

I moved into the ward, sharing room with a five years old boy, admitted ‘coz of asthma. I must say he’s a really smart boy for his age, and good looking too. he could count till 100 and learning new words everyday! his mom stayed with him. at times I could hear their conversation, he would ask so many “why” questions, tat only a mom have a patience for. He’s really cute, tho I hardly talked or played with him. he really enjoyed his stay in the hospital ‘coz he didn’t wanna go back home. I think I know why….. both his parents are working and if he were to go back, where got time for them to show him so much attention? I noticed during his stay, he was so close to his mom, as in he was getting full attention. So yea… I understand him, I doubt his mom ever find out the reason why he like the hospital so much. They were my roomie till Saturday. In a way I was gald, ‘coz they were kinda noisy. Their tv were super loud and their don’t turn it off while they sleep! A bit inconsiderate right? But I took it fine, I mean the mom was nice enough to chat a little with me and asked if I was doing okay.

After they left, I really prayed hard that my new roomie would be somebody young. I heard a few horror stories of getting older ppl as a roommate. So yea, can’t tell you how glad I was when I saw her that Sunday. She’s only 16, a dengue case. The poor gal was so bored that she cried after one day. I did talk to her and tried to make her stay feel better. But anyway…. Can’t blame for being bored, who wouldn’t?

During my stay I had a physiotherapist. The doc assigned her to help me cough. So basically what she does is pat my back and I would cough. The first few days it really did made me cough real bad. Until that Thursday, it got so bad that I coughed out obvious blood. Can’t tell you how I feel at the moment. Erm… disappointed? Hema, the therapist was excited when she saw it and she made me cough out more. yer….a bit disgusting rite? but she’s a really nice lady, and I’m really glad to have her as my therapist. She’s even more caring than my doc! She tries to find out where I got the cough from, tell me to eat more fruits and take care of my health. So yea, I’m glad to have met her…^_^

Anyway, back to the blood discovery, I showed it to my doc, so he changed me to a stronger medicine. I asked when I could be discharged, he said till my medication ends, it was through drips. At that moment it was already my 5th day in the hospital. When asked how many more days to go, he said another 5 days!! O_o” another five days?! Five days?! Wat am I going to do? I’m gonna be so bored!!! I was protesting! I was suggesting maybe I could be discharged and come back for medication everyday. Na-ah! The doc don’t let me go. he said my immunity level was weak, said I could catch other bugs out there, basically he was just putting fear into me and wanted me to stay in the hosp. Bad doc! Oh, oh! I found out much later from a nurse that he would be the last doc you would wana see. Heard that he gives wrong diagnosis and his patients usually stay very long! A-hah!! No wonder he had a blur face….. sheesh!

I managed to get out to go church during the weekend tho. If he don’t let me out, I would have memberontak!! Anyway, since I found out that I’m gonna stay longer, I might as well make my time there worthwhile. I might as well share a bit to the ppl I come in contact with. So I went to church, got hold of the Actsclaims and starting aiming who I wanna give it to. I gave one to my 16 year old roomie, one to the nurse, one to Hema, and one to a fren who I found out was also warded.

I remember someone asking if I did ask God why I was in the hospital. Actually I did. I did ask why me? Well, it’s not that hard to answer actually… basically I didn’t take care of my health, so I was in there for healing lar. But anyway, I knew there was more than just that. I knew I had a purpose there since I was to stay there for so long. I knew I was in God’s plan and it’s really exciting to see it unfolding. It took me a while to see it.

During my stay there, my granduncle who is a diabetic was also warded, he was due for operation. When I went to visit him, i saw this lady smiling at me. I thought she was smiling to the nurses. As I walked closer, she suddenly asked if I remember her. I don’t have the slightest clue who she was! She told me she was andy’s wife. I’m like “andy who?!” It turned out that the stylist who made my hair blonde, he was in the same hosp due to accident. Small world eh? Wait till you read on…. he also happened to be in the same room as my uncle! Now how much smaller can it get?! It was then, it daunted upon me that all these could be God’s divine appointment. So yea, I gave the last Actsclaim to him. told him my story was in there…..

In fact I believe every Actsclaim that I gave out is gonna touch lives. I know that seeds are being sown into their heart. It just gonna take time and prayer for it to happen. I’m not sure wat’s gonna happen later on, but I’m just gald that I got to share a part of Jesus with them.

Now’s here’s the testimony!! =D last year my mom made us buy insurance. It’s not cheap and I was complaining about it. not that I have a lot of money to spare also, I had to scrape money off my bank just to pay for it. and yea, when I had my root canal op last year, it cost a bomb and I couldn’t even claim from the insurance! Of course I was thinking I’m just only investing my money away without seeing the worth of it. oh… before I get there, church started a 40 days prayer and fast. I remember asking God when can I see a financial blessing, I mean I’ve heard so much about it and I’ve been faithfully tithing, giving and stuffs like that… when am I gonna get mine?! So yea, as always, God answered in His usual “out of the ordinary picture” way to me. Last year, I paid RM 800 plus for my insurance. And my medical bill for the whole nine days in SJMC…. Hehehe…. It was more than RM 10K! it is fully covered by the insurance company! Now how cool is that? My financial blessing didn’t come in a way I would expect as in cash to spend at hand, but it came in covering of my medical bill. And of course, I thank God for my mom’s wisdom in forcing us to buy the insurance!

Oh, at the beginning of U-Turn, I remember pastor asking us to find a scripture that would speak to us personally during the fasting and praying period. I got Psalm 16 at the moment. I didn’t really understand it at that point, but still I would ponder upon it every once in a while. True enough, the psalm I later found out was to kept me company during my hospital stay. Every single line of it seem to speak to me, and really I took comfort in every single one of the word.

Psalm 16

Keep me safe, O God, for I have come to you for refuge.

I said to the Lord, “You are my Master!

All good things I have are from you”

The godly people in the land are my true heroes!

I take pleasure in them!

Those who chase after other gods will be filled with sorrow.

I will not take part in their sacrifices

Or even speak the name of their gods.

Lord, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing.

You guard all that is mine.

The land you have given me is a pleasant land.

What a wonderful inheritance!

I will bless the Lord who guides me;

Even at night me heart instructs me

I know the Lord if always with me.

I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.

No wonder my heart is filled with joy,

And my mouth shouts his praises!

My body rest in safety.

For you will not leave my soul among the dead

Or allow your godly one to rot in the grave.

You will show me the way of life,

Granting me the joy of your presence

And the pleasure of living with you forever.

Yup, this psalm kept me company. Besides that, I also receive a lovely bouquet of flower from church, another one from PG, 3 bears and yea, it works! Next time you visit somebody in a hospital, bring along these stuffs! it really helps in brightening up the person’s day. Each morning when I wake up from my bed, just seeing the flower in front of me and the bears beside me puts a smile on my face. I must say, by the end of the stay, I felt I’m gonna miss that little ward, ‘coz I’ve made it cozy and I was starting to get comfy. Actually, it did felt a little like going away on a retreat or camp. Things were getting comfy, I didn’t need to worry about food, or the cleanliness of the room. I was being served. And all I had to do was lie in the bed whole day watching Disney. I was getting lazy!!!

Anyway, it’s good to be out. =D the whole episode was a new experience for me, and yea…. It was happening! =P

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