Saturday, December 26, 2009
1. Not letting disappointments get to me. (checked!) I did it! =)
2. To be nicer to people and get to know them genuinely. (checked!) I did it! =)
3. To grow spiritually and consistently. (.....) working on it -_-
4. To have fun again! =D yay!
Resolution 2010
1. To smile more! =D =D =D
2. Continue to be nice to people, and to get to know them genuinely! =)
3. To fit into the unique mould God has for me. Learn to worship Him again. =)
4. And of course, take time to have fun! =D
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Dear Friends
I don't really know how to write this post, but I want to try. Trying to think how to begin.....
Spare a Fifty?
Update on Elie
Elie Is A Young Man Now
If you have been reading my previous posts, you will probably know who Elie is. He is my 'son', a boy from Lebanon whom I have been sponsoring the past five years through World Vision Malaysia. I have written a few posts about him and have shared about how his life has enriched mine. Many times, in ways bigger than what mere 50 ringgit can buy in Malaysia.
Two weeks ago, I received the usual newsletter from World Vision. I could not believe my eyes when I saw Lebanon would be part of the upcoming sponsors' visit in 2010. I was just saying that prayer few months ago!! O_O" Tear of joy were slowly brimming in my eyes, and then it happened..... It is going to cost RM 6,000 - RM 6,500 for that trip! A different type of tears started shedding.....
Where am I to find that kind of fund? How am I able to save up that much? What am I to do?!
I asked God and I committed it to Him.
Not when I have waited this long, that I am going to let finances to hold me back from this trip.
I have called World Vision Malaysia a couple of times to inquire about this trip. They can't provide much details yet, they could only tell me that it will tentatively be in June or July 2010. They will keep me informed about the trip. I told them it would be great if the trip could be confirmed. I could then proceed with fund raising and saving for this trip.
RM 6,500.
I am not sure who will actually read this post, but I just want to try. I have had strangers stumbling upon this blog. One of them whom I am keeping in touch with. Who would have ever thought, my simple writings would be an encouragement to a family many miles away? Half way around the globe to be exact! =)
Anyway, like I wrote in the beginning, it is a bit hard to write this entry.
I just want to say, if you are reading this and feel or lead to share on how I can raise RM 6,500 in a clean and creative way, do let me know.
If you would like to sponsor part of the cost of this trip, do let me know too. =)
The Annual Progress Report
Letters from Elie
Monday, December 7, 2009
I recently looked up a dictionary to find the meaning of the word "Philanthropy".
It meant "Love of all mankind"
A local magazine recently featured an article of me and about what I do. The title of the article is "From Beauty Queen to Philantropist".
Philantropist. Love of all mankind. Me?
I am humbled just by the thought of it. Me a philantropist? Do I have what it takes?
God. Love for all mankind. Jesus.
Jesus modeled the way. I follow. He gives me what it takes.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Disabled fight adversity for education

I saw this in the newspaper today. I salute these young souls for advocating and championing their rights to education and daring to achieve their dreams.
I don't see why our school can't be modified to be wheelchair friendly. How hard can it be to install railings and slopes?
School that invests in these shows that they care. Government that provide funding for these shows that they care. Care shows how much value you put in a person's life.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Many of my friends were curious about her when they saw her. Some did not know how to approach her, some worried about saying the wrong things, some would rather stay away. The friendlier ones would take a bold step to get to know and talk to her.
I was always amused by the sight of it. I either laugh or smile or shake my head..... In all, I know Carol doesn't mind what people think of her. She has something in her that is bigger than life, despite her size... ;) She is just an amazing lady!
I am definitely going to miss her. I never thought it would only be for a year of knowing her. I thought many more years would come.....
Carol is a friend whom I know I can be myself. I used to think and wonder how we could click so well. I guess, it was chemistry. Or maybe it was just her wittiness; bubbly funny self that makes her interesting and attractive. ;)
She shared with me once when I first got to know her, that when she was young, she never knew or made to feel she was any different from the other children. She played along and grew up like all the other kids. It wasn't till her siblings starting going off to school and she wonders why she can't.
Its kinda funny also when she shared on how when she first went to Sunday schools, the only thing she did the first few weeks was to stare at the other children... And the other children stared back at her... (coz they haven't seen children like her, and she hasn't seen children like them). If you know Carol, it would have been a funny sight, 'coz her eyes were so big! =P hehehe, and she shared about how she used to give her teacher a hard time asking tough questions.
Carol is an outspoken lady, never fearing to say what is on her mind. I like that in her. We'll definitely gonna miss a strong advocate for the community.
My life is definitely gonna be less colourful now without her..... =( *sob!*
How now? =( =( =(
HEY CAROL!!!! When I do get to Heaven, do say "Hi!" to me k! Just in case I don't recognize you... love ya and missing ya~!

Monday, November 30, 2009
When Death Comes Knocking
Life after death never really struck or bother us until when it comes knocking.
When I am to breath my last breathe, I want to be at a place assured that I'll be going home. I will be where my God has prepared for me. I will be at home with Him. =)
I don't know when the day will come, but I know there will be rejoicing and celebration because I have made it home. I know I am going back to where I belong, with God.
Lord Jesus, I thank You for faith. For You just preparing us for greater things ahead. For You to take my sins away and allowing me into Your Kingdom.
Lord, until the day comes, use me to do Your will. Use me to fulfill Your purpose. Amen! =D
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Make War a Crime

The past four days have been a journey for me. I was at the Criminalize War International Conference and Exhibition at PWTC, Proceedings of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission and Hearing of the Kuala Lumpur War Crime Tribunal.
I first heard about this initiative to "Make War a Crime" or also known as "Criminalize War", back in 2007. The year before, 2006, there was a war at Lebanon. Not many people would have given a thought about that war because it does not effect them. But that war had me had a certain fear, its hard to describe. I feared of losing someone I know, that he may die anytime. My "son" Elie, (a child whom I have been sponsoring the past 5 years under the World Vision programme in Lebanon) could have died anytime at that war. Because of that war, I decided to visit the exhibition then in 2007. It changed my perspective.
The past four days have been surreal. I was among world leaders, judges, professors, activists, lawyers, experts, etc... and of course the general public (like me). Witnessing the Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib torture victims giving their testimonies was like watching a movie, unfortunately it was real life story. It really boggles the mind of; how man can stoop so low to commit such henious barbaric acts.
Its kind of hard to put into words or construct proper post for this blog. But here are some of my thoughts.
1. My brother who knew I went for the conference asked, if it was about bashing the Israellis. If only he was there to listen to the talks. I understand the sensitive fear of religion that is involved or nationality or even skin colour. But if only, if only we can move beyond that, put all aside, religion, colour, nationality and see, see for yourself; an individual loved by God, made in His image, the humanity involved, killed in war. While I was there listening to the conference, not once was it about religion, tho some crazy people tried to stroke it, the speakers are really to be admired to remind the audience that really, its not about all that. Its the humanity that is involved, mass killing of innocent people, children, women, old, disabled....
2. I have always admired Tun Mahathir for his leadership and putting Malaysia on the world map. I have always wished to listen or to meet him live. And my wish came true. He gave the keynote address at the conference. It is really simple and easy to follow, it makes sense, it is logic.
Back in 2005, when he called the former US president a murderer, I thought that was outrages. I mean, who dares call a powerful nation leader that? He must have been out of his mind. Actually, my little mind couldn't comprehend then what it was all about. I, among the many were ignorant about wars because it does not affect me. It does not effect me, so I didn't care, till 2006.
The quote that I liked most from the keynote address is "If the killing of one person is murder, a crime deserving of the most severe punishment, why must we regard the mass killing of people as legitimate and proper?" It is quite logic, doesn't it? I mean, read the papers, read the murders or crimes that is going on. People seek justice for it. Therefore, what about war? Where INNOCENT thousand dies? Where is justice?
The call is quite radical, it calls for a change of mindset..... Therefore the question... is it possible to make war a crime?
3. Depleted Uranium.... What is it? Its kinda hard for me to explain 'coz i'm no expert on this subject, but simple research on the net would help. Depleted Uranium, its quite scarry what it can do to the future generation. The exhibition showed pictures of babies, tell me how would you feel he/she is yours?
The future is actually quite terrifying, if war continues... Greedy crazy lunatics invent weapons, each even more sophisicated than the other. Each, able to kill more than the other. And the fact that nuclear weapon is involved, it really does scare me. Imagine the contamination that will be in the air and water, the whole world will be affected! People will die. Even nations who are not at war will be affected, just because of the fact that we need air to breathe, breathe radioactive contaminated air.
4. Guantanamo Bay. I've seen it on paper, I didn't bother to read about it. Moazzam Begg and Sami Al'Hajj both gave testimony at the commission, both were wrongfully accused and of mistaken identity to be part of the Al-Qaeda terrorist. Both were held at Guantanamo bay, Moazzam 3 years, and Sami 5 1/2 years. Together with these two men, were 4 other victims who were detained at Abu Ghraib, one of them was a women. All were innocent civillians accused of crime they did not commit. They were guilty until proven innocent, instead of innocent till prove guilty.
Just sitting there listening to them share about the dastardly torture they went through, (the woman was hit plastic chair repeatedly till it broke, a man being pulled around with leg tied to rope in a pool then put into a cold air-con room naked with ice shoved up the head in a hood, being hog-tied for 18 hours, mentally and physically humilited, rape, pictures and torture taken in nude, psychiatrist were sent in to suggest suicide to prisoners, solitary confinement for 2 years, lights on for 24 hours for 1 year without ever seeing sunlight, water boarding, sensory depreviation, exteremely loud blasting music 24 hours, and many more torture that are not mention here). It is clearly inhuman, how can such treatment be subjected to a human being? Imagine, you going through it. You were wrongfully accused, and subjected to the many torture. Just imagine will you? Will you go insane? Will you commit suicide? Will there be any dignity left in you?
I, I don't know how these victims endured or overcome the psychological effect of the ordeal (some 6 month, some 3 years, some 6 years). I just want to honour them for their ability to stay sane and strong, and to share of their testimony. It was also revealed, children as young as 9-15 were detained at Guantanamo Bay. Children!
So is it possible to make war a crime? It needs a radical change of mindset.

Sunday, October 25, 2009
What Colour?
Uh-huh, yup! I was asked this question LIVE on national TV last week. So erm..... How would you answer?!
I looked around the studio, searching for help from my friends....hahah..... The looks on their faces were like:-
i. Shaking head
ii. Shaking head, eyes down, I can't believe they ask this question!
iii. Shaking head, eyes down, save yourself Jecy!
iv. Shaking head, laughs, what are you going to answer?
v. Shaking head, you are doomed!
vi. Shaking
So yea..... I think many of them sympathize with me, even those who watched it on TV. Many of them laughed about it too, Haha, I'm laughing along with them too! Funny, 'coz one of my friend sms-ed me and told me to "Chill, don't get angry...". I wasn't at all! I just thought it was really funny, and kinda like a joke! Gosh! Imagine the stories that I could tell..... Hehehe.... Let's just imagine, who knows? Maybe next time, I may be invited to speak to a group of young people in schools, colleges, inspiring and telling them about life. And yea, think that you're going through rough time, and being down, and humiliated, without hope and etc..... Well, guess what?! I was there too!!! Almost embarrassed LIVE on national TV! How about that?! And guess what?! I've got GOD! =)
Hahah..... I really thank God for all the friends who prayed for me. Friends, wisdom and just God that gave me the right words to say. And yay! I'm glad it was answered well.... or so I think.... *Phew!*
So yea, I would like to know..... Imagine yourself in my situation, LIVE on national TV. "What colour of underwear are you wearing today?
How would you have answered? =) Do share or post your comment.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Is It A True Story?
“Er, Jecy a. Today I was cleaning the 5th floor a, and, and, er, I think its New Straits Times la. I saw your biography! (laughs) They got your picture, a! (laughs) I want to ask a. What they say is true a? Er, I mean wh-what they write is true a?”
“Erm, yea, that was me. (smile) What do you mean? Which part? What part is true?”
“Er, there th-the one they tie the children to-to the chairs? Is, is izzit true? Cannot be right? Why they tie a? Is it because they will kill people?”
Above was a brief conversation I had with this guy. I have been giving him a ride back to Subang after work and sometimes we chat on our way home. He is fresh out of school and now going through training at the work base to prepare him for the working world.
He read the article on NST about AYA Awards. A dear friend of mine had nominated me and I have been shortlisted as one of the finalist. The experience been great so far, but to be honest, I was not comfortable with attention that I was receiving. But if it is gonna give me a chance to share about what I do, I would gladly do it. =) I see it more of a platform to create awareness and to promote what I am doing at the moment, Pre-School Inclusion of children with special needs. Take time to listen intently if you are interested.
Anyway, yea, there was a write-up of the interview in the papers. I shared about what I do and my prior Miss Malaysia experiences and how it led to what I am doing today. I also shared about the home where I saw children and adults (both with special needs) being tied to pillars and chairs. In fact I have written quite a number of posts (passionately) about it in this blog (I think).
“Er, so a, wh- why they tie the children a? Adults also a?”
“Well, they claimed that they will hurt people like scratching and hitting. What do you think? Should they be tied?”
“Er, no la, I think no la, children cannot. Children cannot tie. Children can learn ma, they are young, we can teach them ma. We can teach them noh-not to hit people ma. Ca-cannot tie the children.”
I was impressed, hearing that from him. This guy has some form of learning difficulties and yet he understands the simple compassion of love for these children. How much it shamed those of us who are assumedly to be the “normal-typical able-to-think people”. Who also thinks that tying people to chairs and pillars would solve the problem!
“What do you think about the adults? Should they be tied to the pillar too?”
“The adults a? Er, what do they do a? I, I mean if you let them go? Will they kill people a?”
“ No la. Maybe they will just scratch people.”
“Oh, (Thinks...) Er, I think, I think only Jesus can help.”
“Oh... What do you mean?”
“Ca-cannot tie the adults also. Ch-children we can teach, they don’t understand but we can teach them ma, not to hurt people. But I think a, adults also difficult. Sometimes the trainers also don’t know what to do. O-only Jesus can help lor.”
Wow…. My heart was filled with delight by the answer. I mean, WOW! From a person who has learning difficulties, Jecy! Do you understand? Do you understand the power of God’s love? And the simple childlike faith? Wow….. I was humbled to learn and be reminded again by these people that I serve the things that God can do. Who said they don’t understand? Who say they can’t apply the power of God?
So is it a true story? Well yea, my Jesus is the true story. In Him there is Hope, in Him there is a Promise, and in Him there is Eternal Life. Would you want to know Him?
"Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace."
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Absolutely Loving It
Just a little update on Chapter Two.
The pre-school project, which is now unofficially called IPP - Inclusive Pre-School Project is already running and operating since August. We're starting small at the moment, only 6 children, and the best part is, inclusion is already in the picture! =) it’s great to see the children accepting one another, being patient, tolerating and yea, starting them young, instilling good values.
2 of the 6 have special needs.
I am just reflecting on the short 1 1/2 month, it’s..... it’s like a little dream come true. I mean, I had imagined or dreamt or thought of doing this, but never really thought it would happened. I mean, you know, it’s nice to dream, but sometimes you wonder if it would ever be realized, or can you ever make the dream a reality?
Anyway, I am just so blessed to be part of this project. And yea, the people that I am working with in this project. It really makes a whole lot of difference when people believe and willing to take the bold step of faith to try and change. I admire their boldness in facing the challenges that were coming their way and just their openness and willingness to learn and trying new things. Not many people would have this kind of courage, but yay, bravo to the principal and the teacher! =D
I am reflecting on what just happened over the two weeks....... =) It gives me so much encouragement, so much hope and yea, things are possible. Things are possible when people have the right principles and philosophies, things are possible when people are willing to try, things are possible when there is support, and things are possible when you start believing..... (sounding almost preachy, but it make sense and it works, doesn't it?) I see it happening before my very eyes.
1 of the 2 special needs have autism.
When I was working in an early intervention centre, I used to wonder how is it possible to include a young child with autism into a typical pre-school. I know how challenging that can be for the child, the children and the teacher, especially at that such young age. hehehe.... I remember lots of struggling (physically), lots of tantruming especially if the child is new, lots of persevering and yea... never give up!
Anyway, I knew it was gonna be challenging for the teachers to accept this boy with autism into the programme. Before I go on.... please do read up and do your own research on autism...... I wanna say, yes they can learn, yes they can talk, no not all of them are savant but i'm proud to say Malaysia have two fine autistic savant artist (go find out who), yes they do seem to be in their own world, but you'll be surprised to know actually they do know what is going on around them and yea, I find them very interesting. ;)
Back to the boy, I am just so impressed by his progress and how he had adapted and settled well into the programme. I am not saying that he got along well since the beginning, there were lots of tantruming, lots of restraining, lots of reinforcing of good behaviours, lots or observing and analysing, basically lots of hard work and sweat to make it work. And looking at the sweet results, it is worth every bit. I am just in awe.... Actually yea, I am just in awe that it took less than 3 weeks for him to settle into the programme and establish a routine.... Amazing, Praise God!
I am so loving what I am doing now! =D woohoo! Talk about making a change..... hehehe.....
I get to give input into the programme, I get to work with the children, I get to inspire and train the teacher, I get to advice and talk to the parents..... What a privilege! =D
So yea, are you willing to let the Potter mould you? A lump of clay, me, zero experience, zero skills when I started. Clay mashed, kneaded, stretched, moulding, me, trusting God that it was for my own good. Now a pot, me, ready to be used....... =)
I am reminded of breaking, at the moment not yet, but yea..... If the pot is no longer useful, it will be broken. I think a brand new pot should last a while..... 2-3 years can? When the time does come, allow the God to mould you again. =D
As for now, let me do what a pot does. Be useful! =D =D =D
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Its A Beautiful Picture
I had a great time at the camp. It was a wonderful experience, everyone and everybody accepted and embraced each one as how God has created them. It feels great! It feels "normal"!
Half of the campers had learning difficulties while the other half were the volunteer-helpers. I really loved the fellowship that we had at the camp. Its was amusing, fun and it blesses my heart seeing the campers enjoying themselves. They have such simple faith! Its beautiful!
While I was there, I was thinking..... would I really want inclusion? Would I really want the 10% of them included into our typical community? I'm afraid they might stick out so awkwardly like a sore thumb.....
And each helpers.... They are all people with beautiful heart touched by God. Really, never to judge a book by its cover. I think two of the volunteers were prolly ex-drug addicts, its really great to see how God used their lives to touch the campers lives. Its amazing to see what God can do.
My experience with my camper? =)
Hehehe.... I had fun time with her, tho most of the time was spent as her shadow. =P she hardly gives any eye contact by the way! hmmm...... She amazes me by answering questions really well academically, and remembering and repeating facts well. She amuses me sometimes, when I forget she needs minor prompting with organizing her stuffs. She blesses me, when she said "pls come back..." when I had to go for volunteers de-brief while she had to go to bed. Its lovely to know that my presence is acknowledged. Hehehe.... and the fact that i'm not just a shadow that incessantly follows her around. =P
4 days 3 nights, I enjoyed every bit of it.
I respect and give credits to their family members who takes care of them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. I don't know how they do it, but yea, respect!
Oh, the testimony! =D God bless their child like faith! Almost all of them want Jesus in their life! ;D Let's follow up!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
GIFT* Camp
I'll be a buddy to an 18 years old girl. According to my colleagues, she's really routined like clock work. =P I won't have to worry about being late, hehehe....
It will be fun and life enriching! Just imagine spending 4 days, 3 nights with young adults with learning difficulties, it will certainly be interesting. =D I'm gonna enjoy hanging out with my buddy! That is if she allows me into her world! I think she would...... =)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Elie Is A Young Man Now
Its been almost five years now. He was only 10 when I started sponsoring his community. I've shared in previous posts about him, and how he changed my life in some ways. I've never imagined that time fly by so fast, that he's now maturing into a young man. In a few more years he's gonna graduate, find a job and settled down. =) sigh~ that makes me happy~~ its always been my prayer that he's safe, healthy, growing and receiving education and of course, that he'll grow up into a responsible purposeful young adult. I guess that would be every parent's dream for their child. And I have this privilege to dream and pray for Elie, as a "parent" to "son". =D
Elie, Elie, Elie.
Yea, time do pass by so fast. I am still hoping, dreaming and looking forward to the day where WV M'sia would organize a sponsors' trip to Lebanon. Would love to have meet Elie in person. =) That would have been awesome!
I was trying to calculate, the past five year, rm50 a month, rm600 a year, rm3000 was invested. What is RM 3K to you? Hmm....... To me, RM 3K is a big sum, I don't even have that kinda amount once in my bank! No denying that fact (for someone who doesn't earn much)*Ahem!*Cough!* =P But, when i see where, how some young adults would rather invest that money, ie:- IPhone, some ridiculously priced bag and clothes, actually..... yea, I am really happy where my 3K went!! =D I know one precious life was changed. =D
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Tell Me More
I really don't know how to or what to, I'm trying to find the right word........ I really do feel that our country is still uneducated, uncivilized, untrained, uninformed, un-whatever about people with special needs, to have this kind of thing happening in our own backyard...... The shelter was tucked away behind a hospital right next the a golf course! Goodness sake! Why are these people kept in such undignified ways?! Aren't they human like you and me?
So why then are 30 men kept naked, some chained up, caged and covered in their feaces and urine? Why are there not even blankets to keep them warm on cold rainy nights? Why do the residents liked to hit themselves repeatedly? Why? You tell me why?.... I would like to know.......
If you have the answer, I would like to ask somemore..... Why is there claim of children in the shelter being fed with cough syrup so that they would be sleepy and docile? Why? Why is it that most of them are admitted into the centre because they were abandoned by their family members? Why? Why is it that they tried to apply to Government to provide with the necessary allocation but to no avail? Why? You have the answer?.... I would like to know..... Tell me why......
Its not about pointing fingers.... Its not about who is at wrong.... Its not about finding out who is at fault..... Its not about all those.....
I am really glad the newspaper carried about this investigation and to report this story boldly. I am sure tommorrow's paper will have some knee-jerk effect on this topic. People will express their outburst of fighting for human rights, calling the centre inhumane, wanting justice prevail and whatever not. ( I really do hope the newspaper article made some impact )
What I wanna say is.... Please let this not be a "one-time" get all emotional and fiery and passionate of the topic. Please be educated or at least be informed on special needs and see that they are human like you and me. Please ask yourself, what can you do or should I do anything about it.
Please..... Only when people care, things can change for better. Do you care?
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Chapter Two Begins
So yea, I spent three years working with the children in the centre. Gained many experiences, the highs and the lows, the successes and the disappointments, the happiness and the heartbreaks. I was just reflecting on what are the things that i have learn through the three years. So I came up with these TOP FIVE. =D
To sum it all up in five point, is too little, but then again, its easier to write and read. =P
Point One : Good Sense of Humour, Love and Patience
Throughout the three years, whenever I tell people I teach children with special needs, the first thing that comes out of their mouth is "Oh... you must have lots of patience and love". Well, I must agree that those are essential, but I found out what kept me on was knowing how to laugh about it, at myself and the children. Can't tell you how many times I would have torn the hair out of my head, if not the humour that kept me sane. =) The children are just wonderful; if you know how to appreciate their own uniqueness and just them being a child. But then again, do have your love and patience ready. Give it all out unconditionally.
Point Two : Endurance
Oh boy! Talk about endurance.... seriously I can't believe I endured almost two years of public transport and travelling on it almost three hours per day. Its crazy!!! Anyway, I find it easier to endure when all things goes against me. Then I can stubbornly stand for what I believe in. =) Well, I don't mind if all things goes my way either... ; )
Talking about endurance, I would say it pays off when you reach the finnish line. I am glad to have made it and left a good testimony at the place of work. My colleague and I wrote a personlized card to each child's parent, just thanking and appreciating the privellege of working with their children. I knew I made my mark when one of the parent gave me a card and appreciated me for teaching her child. =) I'll show off the card if you wanna see it! =D
Point Three : Letting Go
There were countless of times that we were faced with disappointments and heartaches at work. I find what helped, was just letting go and try to keep up the good spirit. Even when you don't feel like it, just do it! Hold on to the things that are eternal, let go of the things that do not belong.
Over the years, I think I may have gotten immune to the sob stories shared by the people we served. Not that I've became insensitive to it, but it affects me in a different way now. Instead of crying along, I began to think of what can be done. How to help or if there is any way to help? Most of the time they are just looking for someone to give them hope. Well, it is not a bad thing if you know exactly where to point to find that HOPE.
Point Four : Chances of Potential Husband = Zero
My chances of meeting potential husband in the field? = ZERO! Being in here long enough, I know this work is dominated by ladies, at least in this country. So there goes my hope of finding the ONE in this field..... zero...... =P
Point Five : Needing God
In everything, you will always need God, especially in times when you feel like giving up. =)
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Oh Boys!
Anyways, the launch yesterday was successful! I heard some families came just 'coz they heard there'll be a play group specially catered to children with special need. I can see the parents were really eager to sign up and can't wait for it to get started and running. I guess they are really hungry for services that are available to their children.
We had about 30 plus kids at the launch. I had fun with them! Thank God for the little training and experience I had at work and church. =) The kids that came yesterday were mainly children with learning difficulty and their siblings. And oh boy, were they a handfull! And majority of them were boys! *pengsan~* i was sharing with a fren that the whole experience was like running a toddler's service in church, where the children were everywhere! except this time, they were much bigger! O_o" hehe.......
McD sponsored lunch for the children while the adults had chicken rice. It was nice seeing families makaning together, as if going out for a picnic. Parents were chatting with each other while the children played. I like the sight of it, it gave me a sense of community togetherness, knowing they are not alone in this journey. There is hope, there is a shoulder to lean on and a ear to hear.
I am excited with the launch of this new service and resource centre. Pray that God will bless it and that many families needs will be catered to!
On a side note, I'll be working on a new project next month! well, I'm already working on it at the moment, but it'll be official next month. Yay! I'm excited about it and can't wait for it to launch. =D
I was just thinking about it a few days ago, never had I ever imagine that I'll be working together with a kindy operator, coming up with a programme, setting up the physical setting of the kindy, sourcing furnitures, toys, equipments, etc, etc.... it is exciting! Never in my wildest dream, thought i'll be helping a kindy to set-up. How cool is that?!
Anyways, about this new project. It's gonna be exciting! hehe.... 'coz there'll be plenty of kids, plenty of play and plenty of fun! we're hoping to come out with an inclusion programme where children with special needs and typical children have meaningful interaction in their early childhood (2-4 years old). And most of their time will be spent on play! Children's main occupation! =D Yup, we hope to see children with special needs being included into kindy's programme where they interact, play and learn meaningfully.
It's gonna be small baby-steps now.... Praying for wisdom that we'll get it right. I am looking towards a future where all our children with special needs will be accepted into kindys! =D
Sunday, May 17, 2009
I Want To Write
I have been having a lot of different thoughts the past few weeks. Each time when i'm inspired to write something, i put it on hold till I have enough creative juices. And while waiting, other thoughts comes up and another thought comes up and another..... so yea, i shall now attempt to write some stuffs that i have experienced or observed, some stuffs that are close to my heart and some stuffs that brings joy to my heart. I shall number my thoughts, as inspired by an ex-pm blog.... =P
1. I never knew baby pink and baby blue could go together so well. Having been driving to work in the early mornings, my colleague and i would admire the breaking of dawn and sometimes there are breathtaking sights. I once saw amazing colours of orangey, pink, purple, yellow, white, gold, blue, grey..... it was a sight to behold, me describing it will not do justice to what i saw. Anyway, i was just amazed at how God brought colours together in nature. I mean, who would have thought matching baby pink to baby blue colour? Well, maybe in the kids' room...... and that's also coz it was stereotyped to be baby's colours. Anyway, i just want to say, baby pink and baby blue is beautiful in nature. Try catching the dawn, maybe you'll understand what i mean then.
2. She is walking! I was so amazed when i saw her getting up by herself and taking the steady steps forward. I stared in amazement, couldn't believe what i had saw. I mean I knew the day would come when she'd start walking and running around but I never thought I'll be there long enough to witness it.
She's been coming to us for about 1 ½ years now. At that time she was not even crawling; she was on her tummy, moving her hands and feet at awkward position to move forward. Hmm.... something like swimming one-sided butterfly stroke on floor? The teachers worked hard with her, teaching her to use her limbs properly. She even had to learn how to fall correctly so that she won't fall smack down on her face.
Anyway, i want to proudly announce, this girl is finally walking today!!! =D AHHH, the joy it brings to the heart!!! I'm so proud of her, her mommy and the teachers who never gave up on her. Bravo to all!!! She turns 5 years old this year, soon she'll be running, jumping and skipping!
3. I had an opportunity to witness an outreach work among the urban poor children yesterday. This community centre was set-up and have been running for a year; and children from the flats and kampung area would come to the centre to play. These are the migrant worker's children, the poor and marginalized; the indians, malay or indonesian kids. I was just amazed at how these kids would come by themselves, like ants to sugar...... It is truly an amazing ministry and I'm inspired by it.
I can see so much potential in sowing into these young lives. I can imagine a majority of them are probably passed off as insignificant in school, nobody really give them hope and they may just fall into vicious cycle of poverty. I am glad that my God knows every single of His children, none of them are ever insignificant in His sight.
What i saw yesterday, were children who really wants to be there. I really don't know their background or what kind of family or home they are in.... not sure if they are even going to schools. I can see the community centre being the beacon light, shinning so brightly in the darkened world, giving light and hope to the community around it. The potential is so vast, i can just imagine the number of children whose life will be changed by it. Its amazing!
It so makes me wanna jump into it and be involved in that ministry, but wisdom (and other nagging responsibilities at hand) tells me to pray and seek God. I'm not even sure of what to pray, maybe for a key person to rise up from that church to lead that ministry and their church members volunteering their time. For me, it would probably be like a little romantic dream come true to start a ministry like that..... Erm...I shall leave that little dream to God.
So here, i shall conclude my thoughts, dot!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Till Death Do Us Apart
It was announced last week to the parents that the MOU has ended and we're now in the transition of moving back to HQ. It has been a ripe fruitful partnership of 8 years and now its time to move into something else. I am looking forward to the new change; i caught a glimpse of it and it will be exciting. =D
At the same time, i will definitely miss the children whom i have grown to know and love personally.
It is coming to three years now. I wanna praise God that I am still where I am for it is by His grace that carried me through. I won't say it has been a long or short years, through it all, it has been a good fight. =D I am more aware of the needs and I can see greater things to accomplish and being the catalyst of change. It is not going to be easy, it has never been. I AM looking forward to the new challenges in stored. =)
Last week one of the parent asked what do i feel with the end of the partnership. Her daughter had been with us for about 8 months? She's a tough cookie to teach. Not an easy one at first, I had to win her over to my side and show her it is fun to learn. Many of times she would sweep the whole teaching materials off the table onto the floor, getting up the chair, climbing over her mom to make for the escape. Or she would get all squirmy and jelly like to slide down the chair, in attempt to escape the lesson. She even left me a mark on my hand, a scar. I don't know what to say..... a chance for me to practice unconditional love? Grace? -_-”
It was quite funny when she bit me, i had a shock of my life but i think she had a bigger shock when my reflex was to grab her neck. It was kinda funny when she burst out crying when i am the one who was feeling the throbbing pain with bits of my skin bitten off! Lol, it was funny, when i pointed it out and said to her, “See! OUCH!!! Teacher here pain!! OUCH!! No biting!! PAIN!! NO BITING!!!”
Anyways, praise God, i truly praise God that my reaction wasn't overblown. I think that time onward, I had won something.
Back to the mother, she had expressed that she will definitely miss us when we are gone. I can't tell you how much it touches my heart knowing that. A few days later, the her dad asked the same question and expressed the feeling of his daughter not being able to see us anymore. I am in awe of how we have made an impact and really making a real difference in these life. I am in awe......
I don't believe I will ever lose touch with these children. I mean, they have become a part of my life and we have been doing life together. With the little ones, with their parents. We have build relationships. We have been there for one another, praying for their individual life, being the support, lending a ear, be the encouragement, be the hope.
Being involved in this community, i don't think there is no such thing of “end”. I mean we're like a family, we are connected to one another, we are a network of support, we need one another. We never end. Only death will do us apart.
I want to look forward to see these children all grown up, living life meaningfully. Being an active participant and active contributor in society. I want to see them making it, to live meaningfully, every single one of them. Every single child that God has uniquely made.
I can't see how I will ever part with them. Only death........ or maybe distance. =)
Saturday, March 14, 2009
A Place Called Home
I was at a house dedication today. Somebody donated a piece of land and another donated the money to build the single storey bungalow. It is a nice and serene place, quiet in the kampong, with fruits trees around. Today’s sky was especially beautiful; blue with white puffy clouds, perfect place to get away from the suffocating city life.
Anyways, as we were singing praises and worship today, the experience and just being a part of it, brought tears to my eyes. Not wanting to be overly emo, but I felt it was just a beautiful sight of God’s perfect unconditional love. People of every kind coming together giving praise to our God. And that include people with intellectual disability.
I saw them clapping and lifting their hands, singing “Praise God, praise God”. Trying hard not to stare or laugh at their antics, sincerely, I think they must have brought a smile to their Father’s face. He too must have been smiling down from Heaven seeing His children enjoying themselves. I bet the boys did, seeing the way they danced and excitedly holding the mic, definitely they did enjoy themselves.
The Elder who shared the message today commended the lady who started the home. He said many of us can give money and our time, but that lady, she gave her life to the cause of caring and trully living together as a family with these adults with intellectual disability. Wow.....
In my mind, teaching and caring for these children were easy, 'coz they are so cute, adorable and funny. But these adults? -_- extra dosage of grace and love and lots of grace and love. Imagine living with them, till the day they die..... in like 40-50 years time....... whoa.......
In ending note, I am glad the community and fellow brothers and sisters in Chirst have responded to the needs and offered any help they could. It is great to see the body of Christ coming together meeting the basic tanglible need of a home.
I pray that the home will achieve its vision of living together as family, helping one another to live meaningfully and purposefully with dignity and self respect. God bless and protect them. Bless every resident and staff and volunteers and bless the home. Amen!