The word "rest" is something that I love and something that is elusive sometimes. How do you find rest? As in really rest? And enjoy the moment?
The day is perfect, blue sky, white puffy clouds, cool grass, cool breeze, view of pond with duckies, great food, and the Lord says "Rest and enjoy the moment."
Are you serious Lord? What about the many thoughts that I have? What about the many things that are ahead? What rest?!
"See, you have trusted Me all these while, so continue to do so....", "Enjoy the moment~!"
How do I know my God is real to me? Because He confirms His words.
Sermon for today is "Rest!" Coincidence? Nah.... Its my God at work. =)
See, many times we get busy, busy in doing things, busy in living life, busy in this, busy in that, busy in whatever not. Busy busy busy buzzzzzz...... I love the word rest, that sometimes, people just find it hard to accept it. Or at least that "people" is me.
It is good to keep busy, you know, doing the good things and good works of God. Jesus was always on and about doing stuffs; teaching, preaching, healing, making disciple , ministering, traveling, etc, etc... That was what I've learned, always out and about doing things.
Rest: Probably its just me, or probably just how I had perceived it. Surely "rest" not something for us who are out and about doing passionate stuffs for God. Right?
Wrong! And I was dead wrong... See, Jecy. Have you failed to see that God rested? He rested on the seventh day of creation. Oh.... And He rested in His creations.. Oohhh.....
The story of Punchinello was played at service, and how I love this story.
Eli looked at Punchinello, put his hands on those small wooden shoulders, and spoke very slowly. "Because you're mine. That's why you matter to me."....Eli said, "Because she has decided that what I think is more important than what anyone else thinks. The stickers only stick if you let them."...."Now remember," Eli said as the Wemmick walked out the door. "You ARE special because I made you, and I don't make mistakes."
Yea.... To end it, you know why I love my God? Because He is real to me.
And how do I know He real to me? Because He works in the mysterious ways that touches my heart.
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