Sorry about the loooong silence. I was stung by the busy bee and it was quite bad. Then I caught the procrastination bug and the symptoms are still lingering here and there in my system...
You won’t believe this but I had actually typed a blog entry for this month a week ago on my iPad. Erm… Unknowingly, I accidentally deleted the application and all my data in it were also deleted…Oopsy…. -_-“ Thank God I managed to email many of it over to my Gmail account when I updated it to iOS 5 a month back. There were some precious writings in there… haha…
Anyways, it’s the time of the year~! 10 days away to Christmas~!
And of course time of reflection…
I was just wondering what to write about? Maybe I’d start with what I’ve learnt this year.
Oh, in case you are wondering how my 2011 resolution went:
1. Put on weight – FAILED! I had three different people over the week who told me that I lost weight!! Boohoo! But no worries, I consulted a dietician friend; she said I should eat more carbs, so that’s just what I’ll do! And of course exercise my dear~
2. Get cooking – Well, I did cook here and there a bit. Oh, I’ve got a pasta dish which I created myself. =) Ahems~! It is da yummies~!
3. Be nice to people and smile – Why don’t you feedback to me how I’ve been doing? Cools?
Back to reflection, I’ve learnt some basic principles this year. It’s always been there, but learning it in a new way.
1. Share and ask – I learn that if you desire or want something, share about it with someone. Who knows, God uses other people to fulfill that desires and wants.
2. Get angry but don’t sin – Recently I learn that it’s okay to get angry. In fact, it showed so much that it is impossible not to see it. And it helped the other party to make amends. Something the Bible teaches which is so important. “Don’t sin by letting anger control you. Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil.” Ephesians 4:26-27.
So dear friends, it is okay to be angry. But in your anger please do not sin; say or do stupid stuffs like getting into fights, using stupid words, you get what I mean don’t you? Reacting in anger will just get you into loads more of trouble, silly!
3. Seeing God in a new light – “So you should not be like cowering, fearful slaves. You should behave instead like God's very own children, adopted into his family -- calling him "Father, dear Father." Romans 8:15-23.
Reflecting on work, I am still surrounded by people with special needs and this time they are young adults. Every morning when we sit in circle for morning devotions, sometimes I caught myself pausing and still wondering in amazement. God, why did you make them so different?
Many of time, looking at them, (most of the time), I caught myself smiling. They are just such fun people to be with, to do live together and to invest time into. I am glad that there is so much more disability awareness theses days. So many people kinda make themselves little experts of disabilities like autism, even though they met people with autism only one time, they think they know it all… hmmm…..
Anyways, what I meant is, people are more aware now, and it kinda make things easier or maybe society easier to accept them. Recently we’ve got a boy with autism joining us in the children ministry. =) yay~! Would love to see him through life. Hmmm…
Oh, working with the adults with autism, let me introduce you to them one day okie? They are lovely, if not, fun to be with… Erm, they can be quite fun to teased. =P Shhhhh…..
Okays, funs at work aside, on serious note, yea, taken on more scope of work. Am involved in the adults’ work, which means it is life itself!!! Dealing with issues of life, finding job, BGR, self esteem, living skills, independence, etc…. So many heavy stuffs that I really have to depend on God, and sometimes cry to Him.
Before I end, here’s a special shout out to Chareessa~!! ;) Haloo~ Haloo~! =)
1 comment:
Halo Jecy!
You finally updated. :)
Blessed Christmas and happy new year
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