Song No. 1 - Speak Now
"I am not the kind of girl
Who should be rudely barging in
On a white veil occasion
But you are not the kind of boy
Who should be marrying the wrong girl"
Lyrics like this is "oh-so-typical" in a movie, I've yet to see it happening in a real-world wedding. I'm just imagining, if it ever does ever, EVER occur in a church wedding..... I think, some people might have just fainted, the counselor will get sacked, a slap will land on the groom face, and all melodrama would be in play.... Hmmmm.... I may just enjoy the real-life drama, hehehe....... Kidding!!! I don't believe I'll ever witness a white veil occasion like that. That's coz the people that I know, I think; they know they are meant for each other. So yea, I doubt I'd ever see this in real life.
Will I be caught singing the lyrics in a real life white veil occasion?! No! The guy that I like wouldn't be so dumb to be marrying the wrong girl.... No wait! I wouldn't be liking the guy who is marrying the wrong girl in the in the first place! Duh.....
Song No. 2 - If I Die Young
"If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a, bed of roses
Sink me in the river, at dawn
Send me away in with the words of a love song"
Death always brings about something in our life, it makes us stop, think, pause and reflect. Where to find comfort? For those who knows the Lord, death is only a temporary good-bye. It does hurt.
......... God works in mysterious ways, we don't have all the answers, even if or when we attempt to try. Well, like the Bible says, there is a time for everything, Ecclesiastes 3:2 "A time to be born, and a time to die". For those who loves the Lord, we don't lose hope.
OKIE~!! Moving on to a lighter topic of song. A friend recently asked what is my favourite Christmas carol.... I don't have one.... hahahaha.... But there are a few that I've been listening to on online radio that caught my attention.
Little Drummer Boy
I was driving when I heard this song. Listening to the lyrics got me choked with a sense of how we aught to give to our God, and it got me all teary....
"I'll play my drum for Him, I'll play my best for Him"
Would you give your best for Him?
Mary Did You Know?
The lyrics just made me in awe of the real 'person-hood' of who Jesus is. Did Mary ever knew that the little baby that she kissed, she had kissed the face of God? Wow........
"And this sleeping child that you are holding, is the GREAT I AM"
It is by God's grace if you'd fully understand the magnitude of His love.