Saturday, February 2, 2008


You can hammer both your feet to the cross, you can hammer your left hand to the cross..... who hammer your remaining hand to the cross?

As i grow older in age, i learn more about myself and the different people around me. Have you ever noticed how people are sometimes so different from you? Gosh!..... I hate it when people tell me that not everyone is like me.....(trust me, I do. I have far too many people telling me that.) Kinda thank God also that not everyone is like me, imagine, the thousands of Jecys around, and the Raysons scream! heheheh.... making people do work, getting things in order, efficiency is the rule, claw up some people, save the children, go rock climbing! Actually..... it wouldn't be such a bad idea after all..... ;)

Anyway, i've been wondering, do people learn about themselve more than they try to make people to be like them? You know how sometimes you wish some people would change, and yet each time you try to make them change, it's still the same? Kinda frustrating.....

Only in the past year i began to discover and realize the different personalities that exist. Not that i never noticed before, but it just didn't dawned unto me till then, that it is important to realize the different personalities that exist and respect it. You better do! So you'll stop wondering why you keep knocking into walls.

Drawing to my colourful working life, out of comfort of things familiar to me, I began noticing the different personalities. There opened my life to another world, a world of learning human behaviour and respecting it. From there, I learn about the people around me. The people that I know, the people that I spend time with, the people that I hang out with, the people that I chat with....they are all different from me one way or another. Its kinda interesting when you take time and think about it. God makes us all unique, and yet each one us are made in His image.

Yesterday I took a personality test in Facebook. Here's what it says about my personality.......

“The determined realist likes to bear responsibility and welcomes challenges. She is a stable, reliable person. External contacts are very important to her; she mixes well and is very active. She is an excellent organiser and is very happy when things are done correctly and punctually; she can quickly react impatiently if others are not as conscientious, orderly and dutiful as she is. She prefers structured work which produces visible results quickly to abstract, long-drawn-out processes. She has no problem with routine as long as it serves efficiency. However, she very much dislikes unexpected and unpredictable occurrences which mess up her careful plans. Once she has committed herself to a cause she does this with dedication and is willing to make considerable sacrifices for it.

The determined realist does not avoid conflicts and criticism but faces up to them and looks for solutions. As she has a keen eye for the errors and shortcomings of others and is often quick at expressing criticism, she sometimes rubs people up the wrong way especially when she loses her temper and jumps to conclusions. Due to her marked sense of justice she is quickly willing to correct herself and never takes offence if someone speaks to her frankly. You do not have to seek hidden motives with her; you always know where you are. The determined realist is often found in executive positions as she combines commitment, competence and the ability to assert herself. In her spare time, she often also accepts responsibility in clubs and other institutions.

Traditions rate highly with the determined realist. She attends every family event and never forgets a birthday or wedding anniversary. Family and friends are very important to her. With her open, communicative manner, she finds it easy to get to know people and has a large circle of friends and acquaintances. She is never superficial, but a reliable and loyal friend who is always there when she is needed. The determined realist takes her relationships very seriously - she dreams of finding a partner for life. In a relationship, she seeks above all stability and loyalty and here, too, she is willing to invest a lot in a harmonious togetherness. She masters crises or difficult phases with composure; she would never think of breaking a promise given. As a partner, one can always rely on her support “

I find it almost 90% true of what I read about my personality. I tested it out with some people i know and i began to see why i just somehow couldn't reach certain people.... my guess is that we're just different. Positives and positives ends of magnets just won't stick. That kinda gave me conclusion to some things.

Anyways, yay! =) so yea, anybody out there reading this page, please realize that i am different from you. Please have some grace on me, when i seem to be difficult or hard sometimes. =D Slackers be warned!

Trying to conclude this entry, what does my personality have to do with the cross beginning?

Well.... i found out dying to self is easy for me sometimes. I mean, I'll just have work at giving up on certain things in life. I'll just have to deal with my own being and may God's grace help me. Hammering the last hand onto the cross.... it is not you who hammer your own hand. You pass it on to someone else to do the last work. Make sense?