Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Bruno Mars - Grenade

This is just plain funny.....

Bruno Mars got me almost diabetic with the ultra sweet song "Just the Way You Are". (I'll admit, I really do like that song. Its nice~!)

And now this Grenade?

He almost got me killed as I laughed my head off listening to the lyrics. Seriously.... Isn't it a bit too mushy? Value your life k? LOL......

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Cheers to a Brand New Start!

A hike on Broga Hill was a start to 2010, and also an end to 2010. That's what I did on 31st Dec, hiking Broga Hill yet again. =) It was a quality time, spent well with a good ol' buddy. I am loving my friends lots.

Here's a start to the brand new year.

Sparkly fireworks! I love those stuffs, it brings out the child in everyone. Thanks to some cool friends with cool gadgets and camera, it made the night fun with all the funny actions and experiments.

And on the 1st of Jan 2011, climbed Bukit Tabur with a little group of friends. Thanks to these adventurous outdoor friends, I've got my cravings and desires of hiking Melawati Hills satisfied. I still could not believe that we actually made it to the top! It is just so so amazing...... Can't tell you how many times my heart stopped, just looking what looms below or for fear of losing a step or grip. The thrill of that adrenaline is just summariz
ed in these few words.... "I wanna stay alive!!"

I'm loving the Bukit Tabur climb a lot, definitely would wanna climb it again.

So there, cheers to 2011. Your buddy 2010, have been great and kind and amazing to me.

2011, let's be good friends! ^_^