Thursday, April 29, 2010

I love the Pickles~ =)

I love the Pickles~ They amuses me sometimes. =D

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Just dump him, Silly!

This radio advertisement has been playing on for a few weeks now. It’s a burger ad, called “Angry Whopper”. In the ad, it talks about a girl seeking revenge on another girl for stealing her boyfriend. After eating the burger, she’ll get all fired up and angry and ready to meet that boyfriend stealer.

What utter rubbish was that advertisement? I found it tasteless and disgusting. What kind of message are they sending to young people? Don’t be fooled ladies……

Listen up!

Woman! If the guy that you are dating is so easily swayed and “stolen” by another girl, dump him! He is not worth it!!

Don’t be so silly to seek revenge from the girl. If the guy is so easily smitten by another girl, most likely he will do it again and again and again and again. Why would you want to have that kind of guy in your life anyway?

Come on, you deserve someone better. Don’t seek revenge, dump that jerk!

You are worth much more!

Friday, April 23, 2010

State of Flux

I never knew this word existed until it appeared in my dream... flux...

26 Jul 09 " I had a strange dream. I dreamt being at the seaside and there was a change happening over the horizon. Right above the water, the air looked curved and bended in "S" shape like motion, something like how gas fuel would look like.

People who saw that change moved indoor, those who did not remained at the sea. I don't know what happened to them, but all were amazed, some or all of us just stood and watch.

I remember someone in the dream mentioned the word "flux" and it was a natural phenomenon. Now, I think that was the first time me hearing that word......"

" I woke up this morning remembering it. I thought it was a very strange dream. And I remembered the word "flux", thinking it might be real, thinking it might be fiction.

Lo and behold, it is a real word found in the dictionary!

Flux - continuous succession of changes ; flowing ; inflow of tide

I wonder what does it mean? What is the significance of it? What is the change? What is the inflow? What is the tide? What is the meaning of the dream? Or if there is any meaning to it?"

These were snippets penned down on my journal. (yes, i do write.... in my journal) It was a very vivid dream and I can still remember the details of it.

I'm not sure if I've come to the end of this discovery and revelation, but I have come to recognize the meaning and significance of the dream. I did not know it then, but I did suspected. And now I confirm. It was God preparing me for changes that were coming my way then. By the way, someone did prayed with me saying there were changes coming my way. Then.

The past one and half year, I see it happening in my life. Changes. (I won't list down the details, least I might bore you). Before the dream, I used to "resent" changes. Not that I can't take it, its just something I find troublesome, upsetting and frustrating. Well.... major renovation He did! And I'm glad He did it.

This morning, at work, at a training, there it appears again the word, "flux"

State of flux - a state of uncertainty about what should be done (usually following some important event) preceding the establishment of a new direction of action.

So that was what it was all about........ I'm in awe at how God works in my life.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Thank You

I am taking this space to say "THANK YOU!".
Thank you for your kind generosity.
It is a blessing and a prayer answered.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Why I love the Care...

Family camp

No matter what background you came from,
the good the bad, the messed-up and the blessed-up, you are accepted and embraced into the family. And I love that.

No matter how good or how bad you think yo
u are, whether you are the best or the worst, you still get cheers just because you are my brothers and sisters. And I love that.

No matter what you do in the organization, sign
ificant or behind the scene, grassroot or top level, you are all really just a bunch of fun-loving people. And I love that.

I love the fact that it is filled with laughter.
I love the fact that it is genuine.

I love the very fact we were at the golden sands.
I love the very fact that I love that very place so
much ^_^

Oh, and I just noticed...

My three favourite organizations, the ones that I believe in and supports,
They are all in orange~
Mm-mmm~ Juicy~~ ;P

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I do

I smile when I see blue sky with white clouds,
I smile in awe at the sight of rainbow.

I delight in playing with cute little puppies,
I delight in cute little baby smiles.

I laugh when I think something is funny,
I laugh when I know I was being silly.

I frown at little children's tantrums,
I frown and laugh when adults get emo.

I learn from mistakes,
I learn to allow others to learn; from their experiences

I cry when it hurts,
I cry when I am overwhelmed.

I love it when ol' school songs play on radio,
I love it when God's hands moved.

I ask when I don't know,
I ask when I am curious.

I choose the things that I like, and sometimes,
I choose the things that are right.

I like mangos and coconuts,
I like waterfalls and parks.

I enjoy the sight of flowers,
I enjoy the sight of many, many, many trees.

I ponder sometimes where technologies bring us to,
I ponder sometimes if life could be simpler.

I have nothing more to say or could think of,
I shall head off to bed. =P

Friday, April 2, 2010

21 Days

Job 23:10 "He knows the way that I take, when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold.

"I told God I don't want to be gold, why would I want to be gold? I thought I was already at gold. Well..... apparently to Him, I'm not yet...."

The past 21 days have been erm.... A time of remoulding and re-refining. How I dread the process.....

The past few weeks there have been an accumulations of a lot of things that were bothering me. Things that causes anxieties, stress, dullness, tiredness, feeling at lost, doubting again if it was all worth it...

You know, how sometimes you question if the choices you made were right? If doing all that you are doing now matters? If dying to self was worth it? Where am I now in life? Where am I heading? Did I miss out in some stuffs? ooooo.... There were lots of questions.

So what did I learn?

Though I hate the process of remoulding and re-refining, it is something that I cannot escape, or run away from.
In fact, I had no choice but to turn back to God. I've got a feeling these will keep on happening and its gonna be a life long journey. And process.

Just keep on walking~*