Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Back to School

I started my studies recently. And. I am enjoying every single bit of it!

Reflecting, studying is so much different now compared to college days. When in class now, I totally understand what the lecturer lectured, I understand the issues, I understand the principles, I understand the theories, I understand! It is so different when in college, half the time the things I studied were studied for the sake of studying and the sake of passing.

My colleagues, whom many of them hold a Masters shared their experiences with me. One particular advice which holds true is, doing this Masters should be something that I enjoy; something that helps me grow; something that helps me learn new perspectives; a process of learning that is enjoyable.

Having been in two classes now, I totally agree with my colleague.

I am just reflecting again, it is so good to have the years of experiences behind me as I embark on this study.  I could relate the things that I am studying now to the experiences I have.

Being an adult student, maturity and confidence help too. It is just so different now that I am not shy or scared to ask questions.

So, just to let you know, I have just started my Masters in Special Education at Nottingham University, Semenyih.

It’s been goods far. ;)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

If I Could,

If I could, I would make blue skies and puffy clouds everyday.
If I could, I would have milky ways as my roof.

If I could, I would want a room full of little puppies to play with.

If I could, I would soak in a bathtub full of chocolate.

If I could, I would roll down grassy hill coated with flowers.

If I could, I would jump into a pile of crisp brown leaves.

If I could, I would dress every tree with fairy lights and watch them glow.

If I could, I would collect rainbows in bottles and have it light up my room.

If I could, I would swing on the crescent moon and dream away.

If I could, I would twirl in the morning ray pretending I can dance.

If I could, I would fly on manta rays above the skies.

If I could, I would float on jelly fishes... boing...  boing... in the ocean.

If I could, I would.

If I could, I would have time stood still.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A letter to me.

Dear 20 years old me,

You will be turning 30 in a few months time. You'd think it'd be nice to write yourself a letter to the younger you, to let you know what or how you have grown or went through the 10 years. At this point in time, you'll be reflecting "Wow, 10 years have passed me by. That was how I lived my 20's"

I want to let you know you will live an exciting 20's live. You will enjoy life to the fullest, and you will actually realize your dreams sooner than you think! I would like you to dream even more, dream even greater and bigger dreams. Knowing you, your heart will still say the same thing, to work with the underprivileged. You will get there girl.

At 20, you are one year till you finish uni. It is your goal to graduate by 21 years old. To you, it is a respectable age to graduate. Like any other normal account students, your thoughts were "Okay, after I graduate, I will work in one of those Big Four firm", "Put on my corporate clothes, go into the city, work". Little did you know the short one month internship will change your mind forever, and you are glad that you did it. Good short experience, and you know that is not what you want to do in life.

As you were about to turn 20, you are also making one of the best decision in your life. You will decide to believe in Jesus. You know you've always wanted to since young, but you have a preconceived mind that prolly you'd be a Christian when you are a grandma, maybe when you are older, when your children are all grown up and you are just about ready to spend your last few days being a Christian. You know, at 20, that decision you made was really good, and I am proud of you! (You and granny became Chrstian!)

You belong to a young church called Acts. You'll meet many many many fun nice people, and now as you reflect, you'll realize that  you've been doing life together with them for 10 years!!! Oh my...

Through the 10 years, you'll see how the church have grown from 50 to about a thousand. Through the 10 years, you'll see the faithful ones still going strong, and also the whimsical ones falling away. Oh, I've got to warn you early, you suck at changes! Especially the unexpected and unwelcome ones in church. But I must applaud you for trying to accept and follow along, then you'll come to realization after a loooong time, who are you kidding? Just admit it, you suck at changes, and please be happy and accept that; that is how you are made. Don't worry too much about it, you'll learn to accept that part of you and others will learn that too. Please be happy at how God made you, don't change for the sake of pleasing people. You want to please God, change only because you are convicted it is good for you. Trust me it takes you a long time to realize that. Silly you!

Fresh out of uni at 21, while in transition, you tried short term jobs working in few places, cafe, gym.... Those were fun, met some fun colleagues, checked out cute guys, chit chat ourselves silly with the girls. You will even got a shouting from one of the member, but soon he'll realize it was his ego that was so inflated and you two made peace. I am so proud of you that you are always so calm. So very calm.....

Your so called serious job came as a accounts assistant. You won't believe this, but you actually dread going to work. You will think that your are gong crazy!!! It is the most mundane, boring, life wasting time of a job! Be prepared for it! I am glad you quit after a month. After 10 year, I believe the wood is still burried in the ground of the garden patch. I doubt you want to dig it up.

Dad will pass away when you are 22. Year or months leading to it were one of the challenging and turbulent times. Hmmm.... I don't know how shall I put it. Maybe I won't write it, but yea, let's just say you cope well in the time of loss. You don't know then, but your faithfulness counts. Whole heartedly. You do not have any regrets as you know you have treat him well. Amen!

At dad's wake, you will be caught by surprise, almost all of Acts will show up. You will feel kinda weird because almost all of them never meet him before. Hmmm... But I must say, girl, at that point, is when you experience church is a family, your extended family. Great news is that your own family will believe in Jesus, and yes, all of us my dear will be attending Acts.

You will still miss him once in a while. You will also wonder how things will be if he were still alive. Hmmm... Let's move on ya, and trust that God holds our life in His hands, and He knows best.

At 23, your ambition came true. Hahah.... Nobody knew about it, or more like, you wouldn't share it with anybody. Yup, that's the one. Whoa!! Hahaha... You get to meet the people in the industry, politicians and celebrities. You get a feel how that kind of life is like. It's a once in a lifetime experience, yea, it is a good experience and it will be kept that way. Hey, don't get too depressed when you don't win the title k. That kind of life is not for you or it's just not you. You called to something else and trust me, it is going to be a better story. So yea, be glad you realized your dream so fast! :)

At the event, you will have your first encounter with a little girl with autism. Autism? Yea, I know you have no idea what it is now. But don't worry, your heart and curiosity will help you discover so much more. .??!? Yup, you heard me right! Hehehe....

At 22-23 you will be working, helping out with accounts and cafe. It will be a good time of moulding characters, learning to relate to people and communicate. You will also be seeing some people 7days a week. At first you would think "How boring...", but it is quite the opposite. You will enjoy your days there. Hmmm... You will be meeting some interesting people. One whom will also be your closest buddy whom you can talk to.

Oh, I've got to let you know, you were really silly for not taking care of a cough. A cough? Yup, no more ice cream, ice blended and cool iced drinks when coughing ok? You will have pneumonia gal!! What?!! Yea, all the drama. But I must say, that will be a good ten days experience too. You'll get the much needed rest for your body, some good friends and family will come to visit. You will feel much loved.

One month after discharged, mom will bring you along on a holiday tour to Europe. It will the first time both of you going on holiday together. Just try to enjoy the places ok? Coz you never knew you would be there at such young age, at such early part of your life. Some people take a lifetime of saving to get there. You'll enjoy your one month there.

At 24, you will be searching and looking for your life's calling. Good thing you keep your journals, you will search your heart, you will search God. You don't know it then, but the puzzle pieces will come in bits a pieces, it will take a couple of years to see it. Let me warn you!! Mom won't be happy with your decision. Yes! In fact she will be furious at you.

She will think that you are mad!! Disobedient, senseless, wasting your time and youth away. Listen to me... Nah, you'll be strong anyway, because you ARE stubborn. Hahah. Don't worry, you will survive mom's wrath, but let me warn you. You will be crying a lot and a lot and a lot.... What the...? Will you keep going on? Let's just say God has made you with tenacity and perseverance to carry on.

Oh yea, you did doubted during those difficult times. The fiery fury furnace at home, the relentless journey to and back from work, the hopeless transport system, the haze, the storm, the fire, the life, the people at work... Will you give up? Yea, you will think of it so many times in giving up, throwing in the towel, just quit. And.... you just will not. Hate to tell you this, but yes you ARE a stubborn girl. And it is THIS stubbornness for the things you know deep down in your heart, the things that God had called for you to do, you stubbornly stuck on to it. You know very well, and very well you will know, these are what you are called to do. Just trust God ok?

Okay, all the drama aside, at 25 you will be settling into this new work. Never in your wildest dream will you know that you'll be teaching young children, (babies too!!) with special needs. Oh my, those lil kids!! You'll have so many stories to tell about them, you will reminisce the things they do, you will love them dearly, you will walk with them through life, oh yea, they are precious to you. You will blog so many times about them. You will also slowly see God's puzzle pieces coming into place. It's a much nicer picture than what you have in mind.

Nope you don't have a boyfriend. You think by now you would have because it's a natural progression of life. Lots of people will be surprised that you are still not attached, erm.... don't be surprised even at 29 you are still single? Hahah... Yes, don't worry!! You do like guys. Its just that he has not to come along, (or at least you think). The one that God has prepared for us. Or maybe he will come along, just that you missed him. Or maybe he is just there... Yea, that's what your thoughts will be playing about. What can I tell you....?

Well.... You do get anxious and stuff, that's the normal part being a girl. Hmmm..... Okay, maybe just a little advice. If I could go back in time to tell you, just be bold and speak what's on your mind in that ride k? Coz now you'll still be wondering about it. But yea, girls... You are a typical girl, girl.

Okay boys aside, at 26 life still carry on. Things got a little mundane, not much of a highlight here. But maybe you'll get to know people who are going through difficulties in life. As taboo as it sounds, mental health is a much neglected area in society. Just read up and be well informed, maybe change mindsets too. Don't be scared or worry about it ya, nah, you won't. You've got a soft heart, and that heart will get tougher.

At 27, you'll get an opportunity to develop a inclusive preschool programme. What's that?? Hmm... Lots of technicalities here, you'll be glad to be given this opportunity. You will mature and learn to let or handover this little baby project on to your colleague to work on the next phase. I am proud that you did not held it on to tightly. Trust that you've learn to let go.

Oh! I'll let you know a friend nominated you for an award. Huh?? An award?! You'll hear about it in a few years time, and yea you will also be in the running for it. My advice would be, just enjoy it. Don't get too stress up by the attentions, coz you will be!! Hahaha.... Anyways, you will get to share about your calling. Mom will finally have something to be glad about you. Okay, let me break it to you, you'll be appearing a few times on tv, radio, magazines, newspapers. Don't worry, none of it will go to your head! Hahahah.... But yea, please just enjoy the moment. Try not to run and hide so much. And yea, you still don't have time to make a scrap book out of it.

At about this time, mom will start to get a little weird. In fact, let me warn you, she will get very nasty with you. You will know there is something wrong, but just don't know what. You will prolly think that she is still angry with your choice of work, oh... You will get so stressed up. At home, at work, at church. I don't know how you will survived it. Maybe your heart will grow a little harder, maybe you will build up a wall, walls, maybe you will toughen up. Hmmm.... Try not too take some people's words or 'advice' too seriously. You will realize they too have issues in life, so yea, my advice will be, be with people who see you as how you are made and accept you for who you are. Stop trying to meet up to people's expectations coz it just won't work. It'll eat you up. You will grow really cold at times.

You will also find out mom has breast cancer. Gasps!! You say? Don't worry, mom is one of a kind. She is the new breed, she will breeze through the surgery, treatment and all. In fact she will even give counseling, awareness talks, bowling and only she knows what else she can get involved with. Can you tell her that she will be living her life to full purposes and potential?

At 28, you will get a chance to meet your "son"! Hehehe.... Yup, that precious boy. It's will be like a dream come true and it is a dream came true. You will go Lebanon, you will experience just a tiny bit of Jesus's time landscape, you will understand a bit clearer the mountain Jesus climbed on. About this "son", it will be a relationship that will enrich your life. Meeting him and the family was surreal. You will be so honored, I'll just let you experience the fullness of it when the time comes.

You will also be spending a few weeks in Australia, for holiday and for work. And yes, you will love your time there. In fact, you will be missing it! Hahaha....

At 29, I don't know how it happened, but yea get ready for a change. They gonna switch you to working with young adults with special needs. Don't worry it's also part of your own plan and desire to grow in the work. It is quite tough in the beginning, but you'll grow to love them. One tip, see them as school children, remember to keep your sense of humor. You seemed to have lost it when you first started working with them. But like the children, you will love them dearly.

Okay, one last bit before you turn 30, you will be visiting India! It probably never crossed your mind that you'll be staying in Mathini's house, meeting her children and husband. Quite a different change from her visiting Malaysia.

So there, I'm gonna end it here. Happy Birthday~! ^_^


Friday, July 20, 2012

Random Thoughts 4

Being the last choice is fine, what is not fine is being the second choice. 

Don't tell lie, truth will always catch up on you.

When you cripple under stress, tell God about it then get some sleep.  

Monday, May 28, 2012

My Kids (In Grown Up Bodies!!!)

Just an update, the past two months I've been officially transferred to work with young adults with learning difficulties. Sorry for the long silence once again, work has been crazzzyyyyyy!! Was in the midst of transition and been buried in the loads of work to do!

So yea, yours truly survived and yes, things are a bit more sane now.

As I was saying... Yups, kids stuck in grown up bodies. They are a bunch of darlings. NOT!!!... I'm kidding, yes they are a bunch of darlings if you know how to appreciate each of their uniqueness.

Just like the kids that I used to teach, I do have some personal favorites among the young adults.

Let's call this guy "Jolly". I don't know whether to laugh or cry when teaching him. I think I chose to laugh. People who don't know him well will find him totally irritating and annoying. For example, in a span of an hour, he will come up to you at least 10 times asking where to eat lunch, or who to go out with. 

I used to get so annoyed by him, now I'm starting to look at it at the bright side. Let's have some fun. So the next time he asked who he is going lunch with, I'd said "Batman", "Superman". I love the look on his face, priceless~ Other irritating things he does will be disturbing his friends by hitting or smacking. Did I tell you he does not have any friends because of this??

Jolly is actually quite a sweet guy when he is not annoying and irritating. Just analyzing his behaviors, I've come to conclude and accept the fact that he is a two year old stuck in a 28 year old body. So yea, for the brain of two years old, what do you get?? The grown up version of terrible terrorizing 2 year old. -_-"

Then I have Mr Emo Ego. As the name spells it, yes he is da Emo witha big Ego~ I used to dread it ever so much handling his case. He was such a tough nut to crack, always coming up with schemes and plans to trick his mom and staff, threatening to jump of the building, threatening to cut himself, gallivanting somewhere else when he was supposed to be in the centre. Talking to him took a whole load of patience because the resistance and the ego was so strong. 

Should I mentioned that he once threw the chair on the floor when I confronted him and burst his lying bubble?? Yup, that's him..... Sheesh....

Anyways, good news! Good news! After a whole long year of battle, I have finally won over his trust, and guess what?? He now initiates talking to me. Reporting to me the mischieves some of the other young adults were doing. All I wanna say is "Praise the Lord!! We did not give up on him!"

One more good news~! Mr Big Arm has reconciled with his mom. I have mentioned about him in the older post. Both of them are in Africa now doing some voluntary work.

When I was working with children, generally I don't do much scolding or reprimanding. Because they are kids and they were still learning.

Coming to work with the adults, OH MY GOSH!!!.... NEVER have I reprimanded so much people before in my 6 years of being in this field than in these past two months!! Not that I like scolding to correcting, but some of their behaviors are just totally not acceptable as adults!!

I'm feeling like a mommy!! Having to correct and nag these fellows!! God help!!!

Few examples: sleeping at work, disturbing other fiends, tantrum like a four year old kid!! Pengsan~

I must say I have become quite good and skilled in scolding in loud voice now, and of course all these were done in the privacy of the office so as not to embarrass them in front of their friends.

It also takes so so much skill to build up that temper to scold and immediately cool down to a kind smile attending to the next client / parent / needs. Please pray that I will never lose my cool and always ALWAYS be clear headed and sensible. And never NEVER EVER do things or act out based on my own emotions and feelings; but let the wisdom and discernment of God to guide.

One more achievement, I have become very good in giving the dagger stares. It is a very effective useful skill in making sure the the centre doesn't turn into a circus. Hahah!

Anyways, its been a blessing working with these young adults. Just like the children, these people are such a funny bunch.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Let's Take A Walk

Happy New Year!!!

I asked the Lord what's the word for me this year. I think what I heard was "Stop running, take a walk." That sounded really good to me. Kinda like what I would like to hear.

Last year, I thought and was very certain that it was a year of rest. Take rest. Have rest.

Did I rested? Hmmm...... I wished I did, or maybe even longer. Yea, maybe I did.

Ahhhh..... Now I know what it meant as I now type the words.

Okay gal, you had your rest, now let's go for a stroll.