Sunday, December 26, 2010

Little Drummer Boy

A few songs on the radio got me singing along recently while I drive the car. And I could sing along only because the tune is catchy and I could hear the lyrics. =P

Song No. 1 - Speak Now

"I am not the kind of girl

Who should be rudely barging in

On a white veil occasion
But you are not the kind of boy

Who should be marrying the wrong girl"

Lyrics like this is "oh-so-typical" in a movie, I've yet to see it happening in a real-world wedding. I'm just imagining, if it ever does ever, EVER occur in a church wedding..... I think, some people might have just fainted, the counselor will get sacked, a slap will land on the groom face, and all melodrama would be in play.... Hmmmm.... I may just enjoy the real-life drama, hehehe....... Kidding!!! I don't believe I'll ever witness a white veil occasion like that. That's coz the people that I know, I think; they know they are meant for each other. So yea, I doubt I'd ever see this in real life.

Will I be caught singing the lyrics in a real life white veil occasion?! No! The guy that I like wouldn't be so dumb to be marrying the wrong girl.... No wait! I wouldn't be liking the guy who is marrying the wrong girl in the in the first place! Duh.....

Song No. 2 - If I Die Young
"If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a, bed of roses
Sink me in the river, at dawn
Send me away in with the words of a love song"

Death always brings about something in our life, it makes us stop, think, pause and reflect. Where to find comfort? For those who knows the Lord, death is only a temporary good-bye. It does hurt.

......... God works in mysterious ways, we don't have all the answers, even if or when we attempt to try. Well, like the Bible says, there is a time for everything, Ecclesiastes 3:2 "A time to be born, and a time to die". For those who loves the Lord, we don't lose hope.

OKIE~!! Moving on to a lighter topic of song. A friend recently asked what is my favourite Christmas carol.... I don't have one.... hahahaha.... But there are a few that I've been listening to on online radio that caught my attention.

Little Drummer Boy
I was driving when I heard this song. Listening to the lyrics got me choked with a sense of how we aught to give to our God, and it got me all teary....

"I'll play my drum for Him, I'll play my best for Him"

Would you give your best for Him?

Mary Did You Know?
The lyrics just made me in awe of the real 'person-hood' of who Jesus is. Did Mary ever knew that the little baby that she kissed, she had kissed the face of God? Wow........

"And this sleeping child that you are holding, is the GREAT I AM"

It is by God's grace if you'd fully understand the magnitude of His love.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Are you ready?

Resolution 2010

1. To smile more! - It is so easy for me to forget to smile sometimes (Who goes around having smile plastered on their face anyway?!!) Anyways, did I tell you that smile looks good on you! SMILE!!
2. Continue to be nice to people, and to get to know them genuinely! - Amen! Still working on it and its hard work!! But what I wanna say is, despite the hard works.... it is worth it (so, make it worth the hard work, make sense a?) ;)
3. To fit into the unique mould God has for me. Learn to worship Him again. - Yups!
4. And of course, take time to have fun! - Loving it lots, but not having enough time for it.


Resolution 2011

I've been thinking about it for a while now, and here are some practical ones which I think it'll work. =D

1. Put on some weight! - And here's my strategy!! I am gonna try drinking a glass of milk every day or alternate days. According to my dearly newly graduated dietitian friend, maybe that could work. Hahaha... Thank God I don't mind drinking milk. Full cream da best~!

2. Get cooking! - Great thing about staying with mom is that dinner is always ready when I get back home, in a way, I don't have to learn how to cook. Hahahaha!!.... But anywayz, I should start learning. I shall try to cook, at least once a week (if got time la.....) Boleh? Pasta dishes is the simplest of all so far. I shall try to be a bit more adventurous next year. Erm... Yes, start learning how to cook the curry dishes, and pork and fish and chicken..... -_-"

3. And yea, continue to be nice to people. And smile. If I ever do look like I'm gonna bite your head off, I am not gonna bite your head off okay.... I may just be thinking about stuffs, just poke me and ask me what I was thinking about.

Oh yea, on a side note. It came to my ears (not just recently, but through the year) that some people thought that I am cold and hard to be approached. That got me laughing and amused, I don't know how in the world they came up with that conclusion. Hmmm..... Anyways... It doesn't matter what people think, God made each of us unique in our own ways. ;) You are too~! Let you in on a not so little secret.... You've got God's 'stamp' on you! =)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

What is different?

It is almost the end of the year, and annually I'd reflect upon the year that just passed. Reflecting on the years that have gone by, I noticed a trend of how "flat" or "defeated" I am by the end of the each year. I was normally tired by the end of it, that I just want my break and start it all afresh in January.

This year, it is different. I am at peace...

So, what is different this year?

I think I've come to learn to let go of things and concentrate on what truly matters. I've learn and still learning not to take things too personally sometimes. I've learn to not be affected by what people say, usually the negative stuffs, if you don't know, negative words are different from constructive words.

I think, I've learn to see and be who I am, for who God has uniquely made me to be, and not being somebody that people hoped that I'd be. In simple words, I think I've moved on from being a people pleaser, in a good way. =)

I've had a great year so far, despite the rocky beginnings. It may just been the best year yet. Why? I dunno... Maybe I've stopped letting people's expectation of me to lead me in the way I live my life. I think I've moved beyond from living up to people's expectation. It can be tiring sometimes, you know? (Am I repeating myself here?)

So what truly matters? Or what have I learn this year?

Its people, its relationships.

Its not a hidden secret, but I do know that people only get along well with people that they are comfortable with. And that's fine, that's great.

What I truly enjoyed is that I've finally overcame my fears, and started building relationships with the families that I work with. And I am loving it lots!! I do wish to have the families be part of my life, I do wish to see the kids grow up, I do wish to walk this journey together. Do you know that sometimes, you don't need to do much, but just be a friend? =)


Anyways, just thought of encapsulating the year by the months and the highlights, and see where it goes from here.

January - A new start, with a new hike.
Feb - May - Crazy fund raising, stress, anxieties, earnest prayers.
June - A dream came true.
July - Met a new friend, who ever so diligently remind me to smile. Thanks! =)
September - Holiday~!!
Oct / Nov - Blessed Aussie month.

I wanna say, I love my Year 2010. Despite the scary beginnings, its about to end well. God bless~!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"A" for...

I told myself that I'm supposed to write something nice. Which I have to, because awesome things have just passed and new things are about to begin, I just have to pen it down somewhere, despite lacking of inspiration to write.... Anyway, here it goes.

What can I say?

The gates are finally wide open, and I sensed, this is it! After 3 years of toiling and laboring, sharing and inspiring, tugging and pushing, poking and nudging, smile~!! Here it comes! The flood of love, care, acceptance is just evident. (Not that it wasn't before... But now, it is so evident even the blind can see it)

Okay, to stop beating around the bush, I am just glad that people have finally come to acceptance of children with disability in a children's programme, and that they have overcame their fear and best part of all, they want these children to be included in every single part of the programme. Awesome?! Yes, it is!!

My joy? Seeing the change in perception, seeing the change in mindset, seeing the change.

Having said that, there were many things that got me th
inking. Sometimes its so easy to accept, when you see the disability. Your heart immediately softens. But what happens, if the child look so perfectly normal, but yet behave so strangely....? Hmmm..... You think they have the same amount of love, care and acceptance too?

I believe my God is awesome, have and will continue to work things out in people's heart. Maybe in a year's time, it shall be tested again, if we are truly all set and ready to embrace all of them.

My toughest cookies? Take a guess! It starts with the alphabet "A"

Friday, November 19, 2010

Let's dance, bay-beh~!

I learned a new dance move today. Ask me to show you if you wanna see it.... HAHAHAHahahahha....

I was at a dinner and dance for young adults with learning difficulties today. My very first dinner and dance!! Hahaha... It was rather boring in the beginning, but when its time for them to hit the dance floor, that's where it starts to sizzles~! And yea, that's where I learned the dance moves.... =P

Sunday, November 7, 2010


You know why I love my God? Because He is real to me.


The word "rest" is something that I love and something that is elusive sometimes. How do you find rest? As in really rest? And enjoy the moment?

The day is perfect, blue sky, white puffy clouds, cool grass, cool breeze, view of pond with duckies, great food, and the Lord says "Rest and enjoy the moment."

Are you serious Lord? What about the many thoughts that I have? What about the many things that are ahead? What rest?!

"See, you have trusted Me all these while, so continue to do so....", "Enjoy the moment~!"

How do I know my God is real to me? Because He confirms His w

Sermon for today is "Rest!" Coincidence? Nah.... Its my God at work. =)

See, many times we get busy, busy in doing things, busy in living life, busy in this, busy in that, busy in whatever not. Busy busy busy buzzzzzz...... I love the word rest, that sometimes, people just find it hard to accept it. Or at least that "people" is me.

It is good to keep busy, you know, doing the good things and good works of God. Jesus was always on and about doing stuffs; teaching, preaching, healing, making disciple , ministering, traveling, etc, etc... That was what I've learned, always out and about doing things.

Rest: Probably its just me, or probably just how I had perceived it. Surely "rest" not something for us who are out and about doing passionate stuffs for God. Right?

Wrong! And I was dead wrong... See, Jecy. Have you failed to see that God rested? He rested on the seventh d
ay of creation. Oh.... And He rested in His creations.. Oohhh.....

The story of Punchinello
was played at service, and how I love this story.

Eli looked at Punchinello, put his hands on those small wooden shoulders, and spoke very slowly. "Because you're mine. That's why you matter to me."....Eli said, "Because she has decided that what I think is more important than what anyone else thinks. The stickers only stick if you let them."...."Now remember," Eli said as the Wemmick walked out the door. "You ARE special because I made you, and I don't make mistakes."

Yea.... To end it, you know why I love my God? Because He is real to me.

And how do I know He real to me? Because He works in the mysterious ways that touches my heart.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are

I heard this song on the radio yesterday. I was thinking, what a sweet song it is.... Aaawwww..... SWEET!!! ^_^

"You know, you know, you know,
I'd never ask you to change,
If perfect is what you're searching for,
Then just stay the same"

Its so sweet, I could get diabetic! =P

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Imagine there's no Heaven,
It's easy if you try,
No hell below us,
Above us only sky,
Imagine all the people,
Living for today.

Imagine there's no countries,
It isn't hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
And no religion too,
Imagine all the people,
Living life in peace.

You may say that I'm a dreamer,
But I'm not the only one,
I hope someday you'll join us,
And the world will be as one.

Imagine no possessions,
I wonder if you can,
No need for greed or hunger,
A brotherhood of man,
Imagine all the people,
Sharing all the world.

You may say that I'm a dreamer,
But I'm not the only one,
I hope someday you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.

I was with a group of adults with special needs doing music therapy today when one of them requested for this song to be sung. Listening to the lyrics... I could only wonder if he understood what the song meant.

I was touched by the lyrics I must say.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Sam and Esther

I was at a children's home today, with my colleagues as part of the team to promote Micah 2010 to the children.

I like what I saw. =)

The past week, I asked God to inspire me again. You know, at times you just need that little push again?

So yea, I was at this home. I am amazed and in awe of where they have arrived to, after 25 years of faithfully serving the needy children. Amazing and God blessed!

From what I experienced today, I learned that you don't need to be rich to be a blessing to another. God have given you enough. And with what you have, you use it....

There are 115 children in the home. These children comes from different backgrounds, orphans, single parents, parents who are drug users, etc, etc. To most of us, these children are the sad stories.

When my colleague told me about what we were going to do there, that is to share with the children, to remember the poor, and to make a promise to stand and pray for the poor. I thought she meant that teaching them now, so that when they grow up, they can do as shared. But NO! She challenged me to see the children doing it even now, at this tender age! To start helping the poorer people in need.

I was doubtful....

Know what?.... These children proved me wrong.

Being in the hall and doing the programme with them, I was just observing these children. I could sense God's presence in their lives. Despite their circumstances, He is real and they are of value and of great potentials.

I saw how they respected and cared for one another. It was awesome and heartwarming. One of the kid was on wheelchair, with stiffed limb. I saw how they included that kid into every activity, even the handprinting (which was a little messy), photoshoot, meals,....

Me, coming with my work experiences, I must say, I am truly humbled and inspired by what I saw. These kids helped and served with their heart. They are experts in handling the kid on wheelchair. I must say I am in awe of their kind generosity in caring and helping that kid. I am so glad that we took a step back and just observed.

It was a blessed day indeed. Before I end, we showed the children this video.

Heart wrenching? Yea... That was intentional. Now, let's put your feelings into something more constructive. Do something! ;)

ps: to know more about what happened to Sam and Esther, click on the link
i. Sam and Esther Follow Up Story
ii. Sam and Esther's sister Jane: He Changed My Life!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Random Thoughts

I'm so simple that it sounds complicated sometimes.
I'm not a cube, therefore, do not fit me into a box.

What do you do with what you have?
Have you ever been tired, trying to prove yourself or meeting up to expectations? I have, even just by the thought of it. Bleh...

Ever seen the sky smile at you? I have. I thought it looked weird, but it was funny and nice! =)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Have you looked into the mirror lately?
Who do you see? Hahaha....

Thursday, July 1, 2010

July 1st - Smile!

This marks the mid half of the year and its been going great... ahem! ^_^

A new found friend kept reminding me and asking if I have been smiling. I thought that was kinda odd question to ask. I'll smile when I want to, I'll smile when I'm happy, I'll smile when I want to be pleasant, I'll smile, yes I'll smile.

Which brought back some old school memories. I had a friend who said I've got a smile plastered on my face!

So yea, back to July 1st, I reviewed my 2010 resolution. Lo and behold!!! Resolution No. 1 - To smile more!!!

So, there you go, new found friend! Thanks for the reminder and I shall be working on it! ;D

Resolution No. 2 - To be nice to people and get to know them genuinely. Working on it!!! Hardwork, hardwork, its a hard hard work.... hahah...

Resolution No. 3 - To fit into the unique mould God has for me. I am coming to realize and affirm of what I'm passionate about, what causes I am for, what I stand for, what I believe in, what are my parts or role to play, what are my resources. I am coming to realize, that I don't need to fit into a box that someone has for me. I fit into God's unique mould that He has for me.

Learn to worship Him again. Working on it!! Its a lifestyle!

Resolution No. 4 - Take time to have fun! Amen... Working on it!!!

Looking forward to a great second half of the year! God bless!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Soldier Boy

My boy said he wants to be a soldier when he graduates from school.....

I made him promise that he will never kill another person in that service....

Instead, he will be a soldier of peace.
Using his authority and power to protect and to love.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Looking Through the Sand Timer

It was Six months of anticipation, and waiting, and spent in prayer. And when the day finally arrived, I lived that dream!

Five years ago, I would not have thought of ever visiting that region. It was then, I also started knowing someone who would make an impact in my life.

Four years ago, I had fear which people would probably won't be able to understand. Fear of losing someone you know (and thought you love and care for), but there is NOTHING that you can do to HELP except to pray that he is not among the casualties.

Early Three years ago, hopes were dimmed but I continued praying that he and his family will be kept safe. Many of times; thoughts of just letting go and giving up, but a flicker of hope shined on.

Late Three years ago, I finally had news of him and reasons to smile again. The prayers worked and his family are safe. So many times I thank God for protection; as real as it can be, I almost lost him. A rocket did hit his house, but fortunately they weren't at home.

Two years ago, the letters starts coming in again. And my boy is growing up.

One year ago, my boy became a young man. I am very proud to see him grow through the years; from a 10 year boy to a 16 year old and still maturing young man.

Six months ago, I started praying that God will provide a way, that God will keep us safe, that God will be in control of everything. I played my part and made necessary stuffs that no matter what, I will not miss this opportunity.

Two weeks ago, my worst fear showed up. Something that I prayed would not happen in that region, but it did happen. Talk about timing and God showing off Himself to me. Psalm 112 was the promise I received from Him, my God who shows Himself true.

One week ago, the accumulation of the years, months and weeks finally became a reality. It was more than I had ever imagined or prayed or wished for. It was an amazing amazing experience; wonderful people, wonderful country, wonderful boy, wonderful family.

With all her beauty and her war scars, her dreams and her nightmares, her hopes and her constant challenges; her land and her people showed me the meaning of resilience.

Today, I write it down; so that I shall never forget.

Tomorrow, I pray and hope for a better future; for where the tree comes from, may it bear seeds of love and tolerance and understanding and grace. And may my boy's future be blessed!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Yes!!! Comic strip again. Laughed my head off when I saw the mom's respond and the father's reaction to the respond... hahahahah =D

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I just have to share this!

Okie, I don't wannt get to overboard on Pickles, but this is just too funny!!! I've got to share it! Check out Nelson's hair! ROFL... =D Its hillarious!!~ hahahahaha...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pickles Tickles ;D

Pickles tickled me again... Ain't it cute? Like grandpa, like grandson. ;D

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I love the Pickles~ =)

I love the Pickles~ They amuses me sometimes. =D

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Just dump him, Silly!

This radio advertisement has been playing on for a few weeks now. It’s a burger ad, called “Angry Whopper”. In the ad, it talks about a girl seeking revenge on another girl for stealing her boyfriend. After eating the burger, she’ll get all fired up and angry and ready to meet that boyfriend stealer.

What utter rubbish was that advertisement? I found it tasteless and disgusting. What kind of message are they sending to young people? Don’t be fooled ladies……

Listen up!

Woman! If the guy that you are dating is so easily swayed and “stolen” by another girl, dump him! He is not worth it!!

Don’t be so silly to seek revenge from the girl. If the guy is so easily smitten by another girl, most likely he will do it again and again and again and again. Why would you want to have that kind of guy in your life anyway?

Come on, you deserve someone better. Don’t seek revenge, dump that jerk!

You are worth much more!

Friday, April 23, 2010

State of Flux

I never knew this word existed until it appeared in my dream... flux...

26 Jul 09 " I had a strange dream. I dreamt being at the seaside and there was a change happening over the horizon. Right above the water, the air looked curved and bended in "S" shape like motion, something like how gas fuel would look like.

People who saw that change moved indoor, those who did not remained at the sea. I don't know what happened to them, but all were amazed, some or all of us just stood and watch.

I remember someone in the dream mentioned the word "flux" and it was a natural phenomenon. Now, I think that was the first time me hearing that word......"

" I woke up this morning remembering it. I thought it was a very strange dream. And I remembered the word "flux", thinking it might be real, thinking it might be fiction.

Lo and behold, it is a real word found in the dictionary!

Flux - continuous succession of changes ; flowing ; inflow of tide

I wonder what does it mean? What is the significance of it? What is the change? What is the inflow? What is the tide? What is the meaning of the dream? Or if there is any meaning to it?"

These were snippets penned down on my journal. (yes, i do write.... in my journal) It was a very vivid dream and I can still remember the details of it.

I'm not sure if I've come to the end of this discovery and revelation, but I have come to recognize the meaning and significance of the dream. I did not know it then, but I did suspected. And now I confirm. It was God preparing me for changes that were coming my way then. By the way, someone did prayed with me saying there were changes coming my way. Then.

The past one and half year, I see it happening in my life. Changes. (I won't list down the details, least I might bore you). Before the dream, I used to "resent" changes. Not that I can't take it, its just something I find troublesome, upsetting and frustrating. Well.... major renovation He did! And I'm glad He did it.

This morning, at work, at a training, there it appears again the word, "flux"

State of flux - a state of uncertainty about what should be done (usually following some important event) preceding the establishment of a new direction of action.

So that was what it was all about........ I'm in awe at how God works in my life.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Thank You

I am taking this space to say "THANK YOU!".
Thank you for your kind generosity.
It is a blessing and a prayer answered.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Why I love the Care...

Family camp

No matter what background you came from,
the good the bad, the messed-up and the blessed-up, you are accepted and embraced into the family. And I love that.

No matter how good or how bad you think yo
u are, whether you are the best or the worst, you still get cheers just because you are my brothers and sisters. And I love that.

No matter what you do in the organization, sign
ificant or behind the scene, grassroot or top level, you are all really just a bunch of fun-loving people. And I love that.

I love the fact that it is filled with laughter.
I love the fact that it is genuine.

I love the very fact we were at the golden sands.
I love the very fact that I love that very place so
much ^_^

Oh, and I just noticed...

My three favourite organizations, the ones that I believe in and supports,
They are all in orange~
Mm-mmm~ Juicy~~ ;P

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I do

I smile when I see blue sky with white clouds,
I smile in awe at the sight of rainbow.

I delight in playing with cute little puppies,
I delight in cute little baby smiles.

I laugh when I think something is funny,
I laugh when I know I was being silly.

I frown at little children's tantrums,
I frown and laugh when adults get emo.

I learn from mistakes,
I learn to allow others to learn; from their experiences

I cry when it hurts,
I cry when I am overwhelmed.

I love it when ol' school songs play on radio,
I love it when God's hands moved.

I ask when I don't know,
I ask when I am curious.

I choose the things that I like, and sometimes,
I choose the things that are right.

I like mangos and coconuts,
I like waterfalls and parks.

I enjoy the sight of flowers,
I enjoy the sight of many, many, many trees.

I ponder sometimes where technologies bring us to,
I ponder sometimes if life could be simpler.

I have nothing more to say or could think of,
I shall head off to bed. =P

Friday, April 2, 2010

21 Days

Job 23:10 "He knows the way that I take, when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold.

"I told God I don't want to be gold, why would I want to be gold? I thought I was already at gold. Well..... apparently to Him, I'm not yet...."

The past 21 days have been erm.... A time of remoulding and re-refining. How I dread the process.....

The past few weeks there have been an accumulations of a lot of things that were bothering me. Things that causes anxieties, stress, dullness, tiredness, feeling at lost, doubting again if it was all worth it...

You know, how sometimes you question if the choices you made were right? If doing all that you are doing now matters? If dying to self was worth it? Where am I now in life? Where am I heading? Did I miss out in some stuffs? ooooo.... There were lots of questions.

So what did I learn?

Though I hate the process of remoulding and re-refining, it is something that I cannot escape, or run away from.
In fact, I had no choice but to turn back to God. I've got a feeling these will keep on happening and its gonna be a life long journey. And process.

Just keep on walking~*

Saturday, March 20, 2010

It Is Different, This Time Around.

I was at an interview photoshoot today. It was for Cleo Magazine Young Achiever's Award. My story from AYA Awards caught their attention and therefore, the magazine nominated me for the award. The story will only come out in the May '10 issue.

While I was there doing the photoshoot, it felt different. And I like it.

This time around, it felt more meaningful.

I remember the previous photoshots, that I did for various reasons, there was a certain pressure to perform and to please. They were somewhat cold and fake, nobody really cared about how you feel. You put on a smile and you freeze there, waiting for the camera to click.

You know, I was just reflecting. This time around, I don't need to be an eager beaver, ready to please people. This time around I can just be me. And its nice!

It was nice being able to share with them a bit of what I do. It was nice that they were fussing around making sure that I'll look nice. It was nice that the cameraman was kind and friendly, making sure the lighting and angles were right. It was nice being complimented. It was nice that they allowed me to be just who I am. In short, it was nice being "valued".

No pretends, no mask, beauty flaws seen, it was refreshing!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Cost of Lebanon Trip

And so it is confirmed. The trip to Lebanon is on!

The tentative dates are 7-11 June 2010.

Here's the breakdown of the cost given by World Vision:-

Airfare RM 3700 - 4000
Meals RM 420
Room RM 680
Local Transport RM 300
Travel Insurance RM 53
Gift for children RM 50
Contingency RM 241
Staff Cost RM 550 - 580
TOTAL RM 6000 - 6500

So far, with the funds that I've raised I am able to cover all the expenses, except the airfare. That cost a bomb! I wonder if any kind souls out there could help sponsor?

Oh yea, and the staff cost? Its kinda sucky that the child sponsors would have to pay for the staff too. Worst is, somebody who is needing sponsor, having to pay for their staff to go on the trip.

Smart moves on their part, but not very nice feelings on the child sponsors.

PS:- I have been sponsoring a child from Lebanon the past 5 years. This year is the first time World Vision Malaysia is organizing a trip there. And yes, this trip means a lot to me. You would understand it, if you sponsor a child from Lebanon too.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Three Baduts

It is holiday in the Kingdom and the animals had been talking about a break away into the jungle. They were going on an adventure to search for the Hidden Treasure Stream.

Panther had gone ahead a day earlier with his mate and friend peacock. They were gonna prepare a feast while the rest of the animals arrive the next day.

Panther had also invited Ostrich Egg (Ooee). See, Ooee rarely has opportunity to get out of the nest unless Beaver comes along and unless the rest of the animals invite Ooee. It is hard for Ooee to move as freely as the other animals. Out of kind gesture, Panther invited Ooee, because anyhow, the animals in the Kingdom are all one family.

So there, Panther left earlier and left the orgnization of the animals into the aterek to Giraffe and Swan.

The day arrived and the animals were eager to leave for the adventure ahead of them. Then.......

The adventure started even before they left the Kingdom!!! Drama!

Ooee's aterek had problem! It kept dying, could be the enigne or the hctulc problem. Sheesh! So, a Plan B had to be devised.

The Swan family offered their aterak and off the animals went to get Ooee, Beaver and Peacocky.

Oh my! Oh my! Tears from above started falling down..... Giraffe, Swan and the rest of the animals started to worry, how to get Ooee into the saving aterek.

And then it started to POUR!!! DRAMA!!!

Giraffe and Swan took out their umbrella became the Rescue Baduts. Beaver was part of the Rescue Baduts. As the tears from above poured down, the three baduts went on their mission to move Ooee into the saving aterek. Giraffe and Swan took the task of shelthering Beaver and Ooee from tears from above, while Beaver does what he does best, helping Ooee to move around.

Beaver heaved and puffed, pullled and thuged, pushed and carried, doing all that while Giraffe and Swan balanced the umbrella above Beaver and Ooee's head. It would have looked like a mission impossible at that time, BUT THEY MADE IT!!!!! YAY!!!!!

And so, the Rescue Baduts did they job and off the animals goes to the jungle in their eteraks!

There were many challenges along the way to jungle, we shall spare the details. In short, the animals arrived safely at the sanctuary and the feast was lay out for them. Panther and his mate did an awesome job in preparing the feast.

The animals enjoyed the jewels in the sky that night and especially the brilliant single pearl. It was so round, so bright, and so amazingly breathtaking. The animals just gave a lot of praises to their Creator in awe of His handiwork.

Long story cut short, the animals made it to the Hidden Treasure Stream and had a great time swimming in its cool water.

Moral of the story:-
1.There will be times when the animals will be tested if they practice what they preach.
2. Giraffe will not want to work with Panther anymore.....

Friday, January 15, 2010

It's A Secret No One Knows

While driving to work this morning, this song came on radio, Mmmbop, by Hanson.

It brought back good memories of the fun schooling days, carefree and happy.

Anyway, part of the song's lyric struck some truth and almost made me misty eyes, despite it being a bouncy cheerful song.

"Plant a seed, plant a flower, plant a rose
You can plant any one of those
Keep planting to find out which one grows
It's a secret no one knows
It's a secret no one knows"

I love it....

It kinda reflects what I am doing at work. God had asked each of us to faithfully sow, sow into the life of people. As I try to faithfully sow into the lives of the little ones and their family, I faithfully scatter the seeds of love, care, faith and hope. I can keep on sowing and find out which one will grow. Its a secret that no one knows except when I see the fruits of these lives in Heaven. Amen! =)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The New Normal?

A New Normal?

Mummy dearest went through an operation few days ago. It was to remove a cancer growth. The very same day in the evening after the operation, she was already eating, walking, talking, laughing, etc....

While I was in the Miss Malaysia pageant, the beneficiary at that time was PRIDE. They did a breast cancer awareness campaign and there were ladies who had breast cancer sharing their stories. Some were really young, like in their 20's?

Many of them had smiles on their faces, and I was kinda puzzled by the outlook. After listening to their stories, I was convinced, "Hey, life goes on. Cancer doesn't stop a person from living."

So yea, when it was confirmed that the growth was malignant, I am really pleased and happy at how mom took it. She was so positive about it, yet also aware how human we are, acknowledging there will be some emotions involved.

Anyway, I like what she said. "Life still goes on!". So yea, still do expect to see her in gym, holidaying, climbing hills, and so on.

I like this one, her own brother said it. "This is a first time I see a cancer patient like you. Still so cheerful and happy."

So tell me, is this the new normal?

Friday, January 8, 2010

Mommy Dearest

The beauty of those who know their God.

I am very much my mother's daughter. The good qualities of her that is. The bad ones, well, lets just say I know how to choose.

My confidence, I got it from her.
My independent spirit, I got it from her.
My "talent" in handiwork, I got it from her.
My stubborn will, I got it from her.
My tomboyness, I got it from her.

There are many times (countless) we disagree on things, that is because we are so alike.
Each so stubborn and headstrong in what we believe in is right.
Well, we're reminded again, each are uniquely made by God.
You pursue your own dreams, I pursue mine.
Let's blossom into the unique calling and destiny He has in stored for us.

The beauty of those who know their God, I see it in my mom. I love her positive outlook for now, the peace that guards her heart and yup, life carries on. It is that blessed assurance.

It is now I slowly see the the causes of anxieties and worries of the couple years past. It was sucky times, but now I understand.

Well, let's just say mom, don't worry much. It is time to let go and let your eagles fly!