Tuesday, March 7, 2006


Yesterday I had a conversation with a person who went to church for the very first time. She’s very interested to know about Christianity, in fact every Christian she meets, and she’ll ask what is the story of their conversion. I think she could have heard loads and loads different stories by the time I shared mine.

Anyway, what caught my amazement was what she said…. one of the reasons she’s scared to become a Christian is because we look like we addicted to GOD. Wow….ADDICTED…… I’ve never thought of that, I mean:: being ADDICTED TO GOD.

Instead of becoming an addict of nicotine, shopping, pornograhpy, soduko, coffee, chocolate, alcohol, drugs, computer games, internet chat, golf, car, football, etc, etc…. Why not get addicted to GOD? Why have a compulsively or a strong physiologically dependent on GOD? Why not have an abnormally strong craving for GOD? Wow, just think about the “HIGH” you get from it. For me, it’s just mind boggling. Who would ever think of being addicted to GOD?!

But I must say, it’s cool to be said that i'm addicted to HIM.

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