Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Its only been a short one year of knowing her, and I am blessed.

Many of my friends were curious about her when they saw her. Some did not know how to approach her, some worried about saying the wrong things, some would rather stay away. The friendlier ones would take a bold step to get to know and talk to her.

I was always amused by the sight of it. I either laugh or smile or shake my head..... In all, I know Carol doesn't mind what people think of her. She has something in her that is bigger than life, despite her size... ;) She is just an amazing lady!

I am definitely going to miss her. I never thought it would only be for a year of knowing her. I thought many more years would come.....

Carol is a friend whom I know I can be myself. I used to think and wonder how we could click so well. I guess, it was chemistry. Or maybe it was just her wittiness; bubbly funny self that makes her interesting and attractive. ;)

She shared with me once when I first got to know her, that when she was young, she never knew or made to feel she was any different from the other children. She played along and grew up like all the other kids. It wasn't till her siblings starting going off to school and she wonders why she can't.

Its kinda funny also when she shared on how when she first went to Sunday schools, the only thing she did the first few weeks was to stare at the other children... And the other children stared back at her... (coz they haven't seen children like her, and she hasn't seen children like them). If you know Carol, it would have been a funny sight, 'coz her eyes were so big! =P hehehe, and she shared about how she used to give her teacher a hard time asking tough questions.

Carol is an outspoken lady, never fearing to say what is on her mind. I like that in her. We'll definitely gonna miss a strong advocate for the community.

My life is definitely gonna be less colourful now without her..... =( *sob!*

How now?
=( =( =(

HEY CAROL!!!! When I do get to Heaven, do say "Hi!" to me k! Just in case I don't recognize you... love ya and missing ya~!

1 comment:

jecy said...

i was just reflecting today about carol. her presence in my life seemed like a dream, it came and suddenly it is gone. it felt like a breeze that passes by, almost like it never happened, but you can feel it and you know it was there.

her life... through her life, i have learn and saw it was possible for people in her condition to live life to the fullest. i love her tenacity, her wits, her passion, her outspokenness. i am glad to have met this amazing person and getting to know her personally.

i'm gonna miss the way the she laughs, the way she shakes her head and says "no worries lah", i'm gonna miss bringing her out for events. i'm gonna miss going and spending time in her flats. i'm gonna miss her.

in all, i thank God for her life and tho just a brief time of knowing her, i am blessed. i am blessed to have had a friend like carol.