Friday, January 8, 2010

Mommy Dearest

The beauty of those who know their God.

I am very much my mother's daughter. The good qualities of her that is. The bad ones, well, lets just say I know how to choose.

My confidence, I got it from her.
My independent spirit, I got it from her.
My "talent" in handiwork, I got it from her.
My stubborn will, I got it from her.
My tomboyness, I got it from her.

There are many times (countless) we disagree on things, that is because we are so alike.
Each so stubborn and headstrong in what we believe in is right.
Well, we're reminded again, each are uniquely made by God.
You pursue your own dreams, I pursue mine.
Let's blossom into the unique calling and destiny He has in stored for us.

The beauty of those who know their God, I see it in my mom. I love her positive outlook for now, the peace that guards her heart and yup, life carries on. It is that blessed assurance.

It is now I slowly see the the causes of anxieties and worries of the couple years past. It was sucky times, but now I understand.

Well, let's just say mom, don't worry much. It is time to let go and let your eagles fly!

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