Thursday, December 16, 2010

What is different?

It is almost the end of the year, and annually I'd reflect upon the year that just passed. Reflecting on the years that have gone by, I noticed a trend of how "flat" or "defeated" I am by the end of the each year. I was normally tired by the end of it, that I just want my break and start it all afresh in January.

This year, it is different. I am at peace...

So, what is different this year?

I think I've come to learn to let go of things and concentrate on what truly matters. I've learn and still learning not to take things too personally sometimes. I've learn to not be affected by what people say, usually the negative stuffs, if you don't know, negative words are different from constructive words.

I think, I've learn to see and be who I am, for who God has uniquely made me to be, and not being somebody that people hoped that I'd be. In simple words, I think I've moved on from being a people pleaser, in a good way. =)

I've had a great year so far, despite the rocky beginnings. It may just been the best year yet. Why? I dunno... Maybe I've stopped letting people's expectation of me to lead me in the way I live my life. I think I've moved beyond from living up to people's expectation. It can be tiring sometimes, you know? (Am I repeating myself here?)

So what truly matters? Or what have I learn this year?

Its people, its relationships.

Its not a hidden secret, but I do know that people only get along well with people that they are comfortable with. And that's fine, that's great.

What I truly enjoyed is that I've finally overcame my fears, and started building relationships with the families that I work with. And I am loving it lots!! I do wish to have the families be part of my life, I do wish to see the kids grow up, I do wish to walk this journey together. Do you know that sometimes, you don't need to do much, but just be a friend? =)


Anyways, just thought of encapsulating the year by the months and the highlights, and see where it goes from here.

January - A new start, with a new hike.
Feb - May - Crazy fund raising, stress, anxieties, earnest prayers.
June - A dream came true.
July - Met a new friend, who ever so diligently remind me to smile. Thanks! =)
September - Holiday~!!
Oct / Nov - Blessed Aussie month.

I wanna say, I love my Year 2010. Despite the scary beginnings, its about to end well. God bless~!!

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